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PANSIES, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Pansies! Pansies! How I love you, pansies
Last Line: Fair as in the long ago.
Alternate Author Name(s): Johnson Of Boone, Benj. F.
Subject(s): Beauty; Pansies

PANSIES! Pansies! How I love you, pansies!
Jaunty-faced, laughing-lipped and dewy-eyed with glee;
Would my song but blossom out in little five-leaf stanzas
As delicate in fancies
As your beauty is to me!

But my eyes shall smile on you, and my hands infold you,
Pet, caress, and lift you to the lips that love you so,
That, shut ever in the years that may mildew or mold you,
My fancy shall behold you
Fair as in the long ago.

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