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THE CHOICE OF FRIENDS, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: One balmy day in gentle june
Last Line: "be careful in your choice of friends."
Alternate Author Name(s): Saadi
Subject(s): Friendship - Selectivity; Relationships

ONE balmy day in gentle June,
While sporting in my bath so free,
In came a friend with perfumed clay,
And gave the fragrant mass to me.

Art thou of musk or ambergris?
Thou art like both: I cannot tell
Whence comes the charm, but this I know,
I am delighted with thy smell.

"I was a piece of worthless clay
Until the blooming rose I knew;
For by its side I drank delight,
And drank its heavenly fragrance too.

"But for that rose I should be still
Mere worthless clay for idle ends;
Learn well the lesson I impart—
Be careful in your choice of friends."

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