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PHILLIS KNOTTING, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Hears not my phillis how the birds
Last Line: Sat and knotted all the while.
Variant Title(s): Song;hears Not My Phyllis;phyllis Knotting
Subject(s): Love - Unrequited

Hears not my Phillis, how the Birds
Their feather'd Mates salute?
They tell their Passion in their Words;
Must I alone be mute?
Phillis, without Frown or Smile,
Sat and knotted all the while.

The God of Love in thy bright Eyes
Does like a Tyrant reign;
But in thy Heart a Child he lyes,
Without his Dart or Flame.
Phillis, without Frown or Smile,
Sat and knotted all the while.

So many Months in Silence past,
And yet in raging Love,
Might well deserve one Word at last
My Passion shou'd approve.
Phillis, without Frown or Smile,
Sat and knotted all the while.

Must then your faithful Swain expire,
And not one Look obtain,
Which he to sooth his fond Desire,
Might pleasingly explain?
Phillis, without Frown or Smile,
Sat and knotted all the while.

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