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TO A GREEN-CHAFER, ON A WHITE ROSE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: You dwell within a lovely bower
Last Line: With baseness and ingratitude.
Alternate Author Name(s): Smith, Charlotte Turner
Subject(s): Beetles; Insects; Bugs

You dwell within a lovely bower,
Little chafer, gold and green,
Nestling in the fairest flower,
The rose of snow, the garden's queen.

There you drink the chrystal dew,
And your shards as emeralds bright
And corselet, of the ruby's hue,
Hide among the petals white.

Your fringed feet may rest them there,
And there your filmy wings may close,
But do not wound the flower so fair
That shelters you in sweet repose.

Insect! be not like him who dares
On pity's bosom to intrude,
And then that gentle bosom tears
With baseness and ingratitude.

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