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BALOO, MY BAIRNIE, FA' ASLEEP, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: My bonnie wean! My darlin' bairn
Last Line: O hushy, hushy ba'!

My bonnie wean! my darlin' bairn!
My sweet wee smilin' lammie!
Sae cosy in yer beddy-ba!
Crawin' to yer mammy!
Blessin's on yer cheekies red,
An' wee bit lauchin' ee,
Sparklin', like the gowden lift,
Wi' gladsome, sunny glee!
Baloo, my bairnie, fa' asleep!
O hushy, hushy ba'!

My ain pet! my honey doo!
My troutie o' the burn!
Sair, sair ye keep yer mammy back
Frae daein' mony a turn!
O fond's the look yer deddy tak's,
As guileless ye lie there,
Chasin' frae his honest broo
Mony a dowie care!
Baloo, my bairnie, fa' asleep!
O hushy, hushy ba'!

Yer eenie saftly close at last,
For oh! ye're tired an' weary;
O fa' asleep, my bonnie lamb!
O fa' asleep, my dearie!
An' as yer wee thocht tak's its flicht
Where joys immortal blossom,
May angels sing yer lullaby.
An' fauld ye in their bosom!
Baloo, my bairnie, fa' asleep!
O hushy, hushy ba'!

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