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OPINIONS, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: We could have been such friends, dear almost-friend!
Last Line: And can my black be white?
Subject(s): Friendship - Selectivity

We could have been such friends, dear almost-friend!
Each time we chanced to meet, how well we knew it.
We smiled and stood together for a while,
Swift impulse made us do it.

Your hand reached out toward mine, your kindly hand,
Or was my hand the first? What did it matter?
We knew and shared the solitude of crowds,
Lifting above the clatter.

And then we parted. Well, the world is big --
And busy -- so are we -- and more the pity!
Opinions grip us close; mine heal my heart,
Yours fortify the city.

Opinions! Principles! And both are good!
Can two so disagree . . . and each be right?
I wonder! Can the white you see be black?
And can my black be white?

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