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THE WIND IN THE TREES; CHESTNUT IN APRIL, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: The chestnut is a candlestick
Last Line: Make christmas trees for spring.
Alternate Author Name(s): Hinkson, Katharine Tynan
Subject(s): Chestnut Trees; Spring

THE chestnut is a candlestick
Of arching clusters, rosy and thick,
And branches branching wide and high
Toward the smiling sky.

Closed are the sweet-lip buds that hide
A flame of mother-o'-pearl inside.
Open, open, O rosy mouth!
The wind is from the south.

O wind, from Spring's own country blow,
Till all the candles lit a-row,
And all the candles lit a-ring,
Make Christmas trees for Spring.

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