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A BIT OF GOOD WORK, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Your life is a tangle of fret and of fume?
Last Line: As you tackle a bit of good work.

Your life is a tangle of fret and of fume?
Just do a bit of good work.
It will clear out the cobwebs and scatter the gloom
If you do a bit of good work.
Like magic the wrinkles will vanish away,
And worry will fly from the heart of the day,
And sunshine will banish the ominous gray,
When you do a bit of good work.

The world is unfriendly, and you are alone?
Just do a bit of good work.
There's many a friendship has budded and grown
About a bit of good work.
The world hates a sluggard and bids him be gone,
The world loves a worker and runs to look on;
If a crowd you would gather, your overalls don,
And do a bit of good work.

Temptations assail you and lure you to sin?
Just do a bit of good work.
The battle is ended if you will begin
To do a bit of good work.
For Satan, that ever-industrious foe,
Is easily routed by hammer or hoe,
And back to his demons the devil will go
As you tackle a bit of good work.

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