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A SUGJESCHUN TO THE SEXTANT, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: O sextant of the meetin house, we no
Last Line: Only dont shut the dores so soon.
Subject(s): Churches; Prayer Meetings; Cathedrals

O Sextant of the Meetin House, we no
That you air bizzy, verry bizzy, all ways.
For thare air seets to dust (tho thay airnt all ways dusted),
And thare air carpets to sweep, and lamps to fill with Standard Oil,
And clutter to cleer up, lesson papers and evergreen wreaths and such,
And the bell to ring and the fire to make,
And the Meetin House to air for the folks that want it aird and to shut up tite for the folks that
want it shut up tite,
And the yard to rake in Summer and paths to shuvvel in Winter,
And kushuns to beet and him books to put back whare thay belong,
And more things to do than enny won nos.
O Sextant, we reelize that you air verry bizzy.

And we dont want to Impose on you atall,
And we hope you will take it kindly for we reelize your Importans,
But we hav jest won rekwest to make.
And that iz, O Sextant of the Meetin House, that wen
The servis iz over Sunday evenings,
Or Friday evenings after prayer meetings,
Or enny other time for that matter,
And folks kinder want to hang around and say howdido and talk,
And chat a wile and mebbe gossip a little harmlesslike,
And hav a word with the minister and say how thay likd the cermun,
And ask wen iz the nex soshul and iz Deecun Brown enny better of hiz hart complaynt,
And if Emmy haz her Sunday skool lessuns enny better,
And how the Methodis like thare new minister,
And iz sleeves worn full at the elbo or mebbe thay dont say enny thing about sleeves,
And wen Filander Armstrong will cum back from hiz hunny moon to Niagary Falls,
And whether the new carpet on the Meetin House shood be ingrane or tapestry brussels,
And if thayd ever seen such a kold spel of wethur before,
That you let them.

But az it iz, O Sextant, you wate around,
And look angshus and kinder mad in the ize,
And first you turn out one lite and then a nuther,
And shut the windos with a bang az if you wisht us ferthur,
And then put out a nuther lite and look toerd the dore,
And tho you dont say a word for you air verry polite,
You shoo us out before we air haf reddy to go.

But, O Sextant, do you reelize
That sum of us havvunt seen wun a nuther for neerly a munth,
And uthers (the gurls and thare fellurs) for neerly a week or mebbe too daze,
And we hav lots of things to say.
Besides, how iz the bizness of the church to get did, I put it to you, Sextant,
Without talk and plenty of it?
And izzunt the Meetin House the place to do the bizness of the church of korse it iz,
And az for the gurls and bovs thay mite go out on the street and trapse around and talk,
But wen thay stay in the Meetin House and chat a wile it iz a gradeel better.
For we want the Meetin House to be a sekund home of the church peepul,
A warm and frendly and familyur place,
A sittin room az well az a tempul,
And how iz that to be braut about, I want to no,
If we dont stay and talk a wile after servis?
And so O Sextant tho we no that you air bizzy
Verry bizzy and we woodunt make your work enny harder
Or hurt your feelings enny,
Yet we venchure to ask this rekwest verry respeckfully
For you air the Dorekeepur of the House of the Lord,
Only dont shut the dores so soon.

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