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SAINT NAZAIRE, by                    
First Line: The church at carcassone is filled with ghosts
Last Line: With the dust of stars forever and forever.
Subject(s): Churches; Ghosts; Prayer; Religion; Saints; Supernatural; Cathedrals; Theology

The church at Carcassone is filled with ghosts
That float like folds of fog, with incense drenched
Along the aisles, their shadowy fingers clutch
At massive piles and rise to the great apse
In vapory clouds that push with puny strength
The mighty arc. Drifting they drop down
Before the sacred shrine on fleshless knees,
To pray remembered prayers and litanies.
Travesties of prelate and pope, weary
Of crypt and rotting shroud, with sightless sockets
And formless grins, beseech the calm eyed saints
For succor. Throw the doors open wide
And let a strong wind blow these sorry shapes
Out to the unknown, to mingle and commingle
With the dust of stars forever and forever.

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