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HOMES, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: The lamplight's shaded rose
Last Line: That were a home last night.
Alternate Author Name(s): Schauffler, Mrs. Robert H.
Subject(s): Home; Women And War; World War I; First World War

THE lamplight's shaded rose
On couch and chair and wall,
The drowsy book let fall,
The children's heads, bent close
In some deep argument,
The kitten, sleepy-curled,
Sure of our good intent,
The hearth-fire's crackling glow:
His step that crisps the snow,
His laughing kiss, wind-cold. ...

Only the very old
Gifts that the night-star brings,
Dear homely evening-things,
Dear things of all the world,
And yet my throat locks tight. ...

Somewhere far off I know
Are ashes on red snow
That were a home last night.

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