Poetry Explorer

Classic and Contemporary Poetry

CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, by                    
First Line: Christopher columbus, where would I be
Last Line: I'm glad you were so brave and true / christopher columbus
Subject(s): Columbus, Christopher (1451-1506); Explorers; Exploring; Discovery; Discoverers

If you had never crossed the sea,
If you had never thought the earth a ball,
If you had never cared to sail at all?
Suppose the kind Queen Isabel
Had loved her jewels far too well
To sell them for a sailor true
Like you,
Christopher Columbus;
Suppose your small ships made of wood,
Were not so trusty, strong, and good,
We should not keep your day each year,
And I should not be standing here;
Perhaps I'd live far, far away
And never know Columbus Day.
My house and every building tall --
The school would not be here at all;
Along the street where people go
Only strong, strong trees would grow;
And everywhere on lake and hill
The land would be quite dark and still,
With only wigwams on the ground
And Indian children walking round,
And not a stars and stripes in sight
At evening or in morning light!

O dear, I wonder where I'd be
If you had never crossed the sea,
Christopher Columbus;
I like it better far this way;
I like to live at home and play;
And so I'll keep Columbus Day!
I'm glad you sailed, I'm glad you knew
The earth is round; I'm glad the good queen trusted you,
I'm glad you were so brave and wise and true!
Christopher Columbus.

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