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Classic and Contemporary Poetry

ALONE AND TOGETHER, by                    
First Line: I had a lovely lonely day
Last Line: It is such fun to be together!
Subject(s): Children; Play; September; Solitude; Childhood; Loneliness

I HAD a lovely lonely day;
The house was very still
And not a breeze came out to play
High on the orchard hill;
Old Rover lay so fast asleep,
He did not even care to peep
As I went past him to the brook;
There I found a lovely nook
Beside a great big stone,
Where I could play quite, quite alone;
And there within my house of green
I was the little fairy queen
In golden dress and feather gay,—
And all the world was far away.

And then I played an orphan child
Alone in some land far and wild,
Who never had an aunt or brother,
Who never even had a mother;
I played all day beside the stone,
It is such fun to be alone!

But soon the sun went down, and O,
It's different in the dark, you know;
The sky seemed cold, and far, and queer,
How glad I was the house was near,
And Mother standing at the door;
I kissed her hard three times or more,
Because I had been that poor child
Alone in that land far and wild;
When tea time comes who'd sit alone
And have no family of her own
Around the table white and clean,
And who would be the fairy queen
In golden dress and silken feather?—
It is such fun to be together!

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