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First Line: "oh, the gay and festive freshman has appeared upon the scene"
Last Line: And mother will not know her son a year or so from now
Subject(s): Gays & Lesbians

OH, the gay and festive Freshman has appeared upon the scene, --
'Tis not the monster jealousy that makes him look so green,
'Tis not the fumes of rum that give his nose that ruddy glare,
But the boy has caught hay-fever from the hay-seed in his hair.

The blush upon his cheek is not the bloom upon the rye,
But tells of health and happiness, and johnny-cake and pie.
The firm, elastic tread with which the boy is wont to roam
Comes from running on a steep side hill to drive the heifers home.

The funny tales he'll have to tell of cows that get astray
Will all be sure to help him in a purely social way;
And all the strength that he's acquired from milking them each trip
Will come in mighty handy when he tries to learn the grip.

For father will go barefoot, and mother dear will scrub
The neighbors' dirty linen within a sudsy tub,
And Jane will wear no Sunday hat, and Jim no Sunday tie,
So Sam can go to Harvard to adorn the Zeta Psi.

Then nearly every morning, at the druggist's, for a bluff,
He'll ask the clerk for vichy, to make him think he's tough.
That boy will smoke a cigarette, and quite forget the plow!
And mother will not know her son a year or so from now.

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