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"HEAR, O ISRAEL!: 4", by                    
First Line: "ye, who are kings, princes, priests, and prophets. Ye"
Last Line: The god of jacob is our shield
Subject(s): Freedom;israel; Liberty

Ye, who are kings, princes, priests, and prophets. Ye men of Judah and bards of Jerusalem, hearken
unto my voice, and I will speak thy name, O Israel!
Fear not; for God hath at last let loose His thinkers, and their voices now tremble in the mighty
depths of this old world!
Rise up from thy blood-stained pillows!
Cast down to dust the hideous, galling chains that bind thy strong hearts down to silence!
Wear ye the badge of slaves?
See ye not the watch-fire?
Look aloft, from thy wilderness of thought!
Come forth with the signs and wonders, and thy strong hands, and stretched-out arms, even as thou
didst from Egypt!
Courage, courage! trampled hearts!
Look at these pale hands and frail arms, that have rent asunder the welded chains that an army of
the Philistines bound about me!
But the God of all Israel set His seal of fire on my breast, and lighted up, with inspiration, the
soul that pants for the Freedom of a nation!
With eager wings she fluttered above the blood-stained bayonet-points of the millions, who are
trampling upon the strong throats of God's people.
Rise up, brave hearts!
The sentry cries: "All's well!" from Hope's tower!
Fling out your banners of Right!
The watch fire grows brighter!
All's well! All's well!
Courage! Courage!
The Lord of Hosts is in the field,
The God of Jacob is our shield!

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