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JOHN O'DWYER OF THE GLEN, by                    
First Line: Blithe the bright dawn found me
Last Line: Scenes and sights appalling / plague and haunt me here

BLITHE the bright dawn found me,
Rest with strength had crown'd me,
Sweet the birds sang round me,
Sport was all their toil.

The horn its clang was keeping,
Forth the fox was creeping,
Round each dame stood weeping,
O'er the prowler's spoil.

Hark! the foe is calling,
Fast the woods are falling,
Scenes and sights appalling
Mark the wasted soil.

War and confiscation
Curse the fallen nation;
Gloom and desolation
Shade the lost land o'er.

Chill the winds are blowing,
Death aloft is going,
Peace or hope seems growing
For our race no more.

Hark! the foe is calling,
Fast the woods are falling,
Scenes and sights appalling
Throng the blood-stained shore.

Nobles, once high-hearted,
From their homes have parted,
Scattered, scared, and started
By a base-born band.

Spots that once were cheering,
Girls beloved, endearing,
Friends from whom I'm steering,
Take this parting tear.

Hark! the foe is calling,
Fast the woods are falling,
Scenes and sights appalling
Plague and haunt me here.

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