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LULLABY, by                    
First Line: "dear mother, in dreams I see her"
Last Line: "bye, bye, bye, bye!"

Dear mother, in dreams I see her
With loved face sweet and calm,
And hear her voice
With love rejoice,
When nestling on her arm.
I think how she softly press'd me,
Of the tears in each glist'ning eye,
As her watch she'd keep,
When she rock'd to sleep
Her child with this lullaby:

Bye, bye, drowsiness o'ertaking,
Pretty little eyelids, sleep--
Bye, bye, watching till thou'rt waking,
Darling, be thy slumber deep!
Bye, bye, bye, bye!

Ah! e'en when her life was ebbing,
Her words were all of me;
My future years
Were all her fears;

Her fate 'twas not to see.
My father, I hear you weeping,
As, in sorrow standing by,
Comes my mother's plaint
In her accents faint,
This tender, sweet lullaby:

Bye, bye, drowsiness o'ertaking,
Pretty little eyelids, sleep--
Bye, bye, watching till thou'rt waking,
Darling, be thy slumber deep!
Bye, bye, bye, bye!

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