Poetry Explorer

Classic and Contemporary Poetry

MAGRUDER'S LULLABY, by                    
First Line: "there, there, there / what's the matter with the boy?"
Last Line: "yes, yes, my little dear, my pet."

"There, there, there,
What's the matter with the boy?
There, there, there.
Did he go to bed at six o'clock,
And sleep till half-past two?
Well, well, well,
There, there, there.
Now close your little eyes. That's right.
Now open them again. That's right.
Now rest your dear head on the other shoulder.
Now smile.
Oh! how sweet!
Wake up now, and go to sleep again.
There, there, there.
Shut your beautiful eyes and wake up agian.
Yes, I know. Well, well, well.
Lie down and get up. There, there, there.
It would be lighter if it wasn't so dark.
And warmer if it wasn't so cold.
Yes, yes, yes.
But the sun will be out in a few minutes
For it's most morning.
Yes, yes, my little dear, my pet."

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