Poetry Explorer

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MAIDEN IN THE MOR, by                    
First Line: Maiden in the mor lay
Last Line: Wat was hire bowr? / the rede rose an te lilye flowr
Variant Title(s): The Maid Of The Moor;maiden In The Moor

Maiden in the mor lay,
In the mor lay,
Sevenighte fulle,
Sevenighte fulle,
Maiden in the mor lay,
In the mor lay,
Sevenighte fulle and a day.
Well was hire mete;
What was hire mete?
The primerole and the --
The primerole and the --
Well was hire mete;
What was hire mete?
The primerole and the violete.
Well was hire dring;
What was hire dring?
The chelde water of the --
The chelde water of the --
Well was hire dring;
What was hire dring?
The chelde water of the welle-spring.
Well was hire bowr;
What was hire bowr?
The rede rose and the --
The rede rose and the --
Well was hire bowr;
What was hire bowr?
The rede rose and the lilie-flowr.

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