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MY CONNOR, by                    
First Line: Oh! Weary's on money - and weary's on wealth
Last Line: My heart's in the grave with my cushla machree
Subject(s): Love - Loss Of

OH! weary's on money -- and weary's on wealth,
And sure we don't want them while we have our health;
'Twas they tempted Connor over the sea,
And I lost my lover, my cushla machree.
Smiling -- beguiling -- cheering -- endearing --
Oh! dearly I lov'd him, and he loved me.
By each other delighted -- and fondly united --
My heart's in the grave with my cushla machree.

My Connor was handsome, good-humoured, and tall,
At hurling and dancing the best of them all;
But when he came courting beneath our old tree,
His voice was like music -- my cushla machree.
Smiling, etc.

So true was his heart and so artless his mind,
He could not think ill of the worst of mankind,
He went bail for his cousin who ran beyond sea,
And all his debts fell on my cushla machree.
Smiling, etc.

Yet still I told Connor that I'd be his bride, --
In sorrow or death not to stir from his side.
He said he could ne'er bring misfortune on me,
But sure I'd be rich with my cushla machree.
Smiling, etc.

The morning he left us I ne'er will forget,
Not an eye in our village but with crying was wet.
'Don't cry any more, mavourneen,' said he,
'For I will return to my cushla machree.'
Smiling, etc.

Sad as I felt then, hope mixed with my care,
Alas! I have nothing left now but despair.
His ship -- it went down in the midst of the sea,
And its wild waves roll over my cushla machree.
Smiling -- beguiling -- cheering -- endearing --
Oh! dearly I lov'd him and he loved me.
By each other delighted -- and fondly united --
My heart's in the grave with my cushla machree.

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