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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
REST, by ANONYMOUS First Line: When thou art weary of the world Last Line: And thou shalt rest Subject(s): Death; "dead, The; | |||
WHEN thou art weary of the world, and leaning Upon my breast, My soul will show to thine its hidden meaning, And thou shalt rest. When thou art eagerly but vainly aiming At some far end, Thou knowest not thy pining and complaining Have pierced thy Friend. My presence is around thee and about thee -- Thou dost not know -- But if thou knewest, thou wouldst not doubt me, I love thee so. Thou art a very child, and needest guiding, -- Thee I will lead; Another guide might be too quick in chiding, Nor know thy need. Lean on me, child -- nor faint beneath thy sighing, With help so near; I took upon me all thy grief and dying, To heal thy fear. When thou art resting in my secret dwelling, Shadowed by me, Thou shalt not tire of listening -- I of telling My love for thee. Thine eyes are bent upon each loving token Sent by my hand; With these alone thy spirit would be broken In thy fair land. Thou art a lover of all things of beauty In earth and space; Then, surely, 't were thy pleasure and thy duty Their source to trace. Track the bright river of each much-prized blessing Black to its source; See all the blooming growth thy foot is pressing Along its course. See, gathered in the storehouse of sweet dreaming, Each glowing thought Which daylight, starlight, or the moon's sweet gleaming To thee have brought. All real beauty which thy heart is greeting In this fair earth, All music which thy charmed ear is meeting, From me had birth. But this will be revealed when thou art leaning Upon my breast; Thy soul shall comprehend my hidden meaning -- And thou shalt rest. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...SITTING BULL IN SERBIA by WILLIAM JAY SMITH TO THE EXCELLENT ORINDA by PHILO PHILIPPA EPIGRAM OCCASIONED BY CIBBER'S VERSES IN PRAISE OF NASH: 1 by ALEXANDER POPE THE GIFT OF THE GODS by JOHN GODFREY SAXE TO CHRISTOPHER NORTH by ALFRED TENNYSON BEAU NASH by CHARLES TENNYSON TURNER BEAU NASH AND THE ROMAN, OR THE TWO ERAS by CHARLES TENNYSON TURNER TIS A LITTLE JOURNEY by ANONYMOUS |