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SONG OF THE SUMMER GIRL, by                    
First Line: You talk about some maiden fair
Last Line: The girl with summer tan!
Subject(s): Household Employees;singing & Singers; Servants;domestics;maids

YOU talk about some maiden fair,
With alabaster brow,
Her face like snowdrifts soft and rare —
As poets oft allow;
Your parian, pentelic maid —
Admire her, ye who can;
My choice is for a darker shade,
The girl of healthy tan!

The neck they liken to the swan,
The goose has, quite as true;
The maid with ivory forehead on
May have a blockhead, too;
But nut-brown damsels are the thing
For me or any man;
The summer girl's the one I sing,
The girl with glowing tan!

The snow-white pallor some admire
Cold hands and feet foretell;
The marble brows they so admire
Mean marble hearts as well;
Give me the warm, fresh blood that flows
On nature's freest plan,
The wholesome look, the eye that glows,
The girl with summer tan!

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