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SUMMER SONG, by                    
First Line: "aya!/ ayaya, it is beautiful, beautiful it is out-doors when the summer comes"
Last Line: "ayaya, ayaya, aya!"
Subject(s): Eskimos;native Americans; Inuit;indians Of America;american Indians;indians Of South America

Ayaya, it is beautiful, beautiful it is out-doors when the
summer comes at last.
Ayaya, ayaya, aya!

Ayaya, it is beautiful, beautiful it is out-doors when the
reindeer begin to come,
Ayaya, ayaya, aya!

Ayaya, when the roaring river rushes from the hills in summer.
Ayaya, ayaya, aya!

Ayaya, there is no reason for me to be mournful when
the gulls cease crying.
Ayaya, ayaya, aya!

Ayaya, plenty of meat I shall have and plenty codfish.
Ayaya, ayaya, aya!

Ayaya, it is beautiful, beautiful it is out-doors when the
summer comes at last.
Ayaya, ayaya, aya!

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