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THE BEST OF HUSBANDS, by                    
First Line: Oh I have a man as good as can be
Last Line: And who could wish for a better than he?
Subject(s): Marriage; Weddings;husbands;wives

OH I have a man as good as can be,
No woman could wish for a better than he.
Sometimes, indeed, he may chance to be wrong,
But his love for me is uncommonly strong.

He has one little fault that makes me fret,
He has ever less money, by far, than debt;
Moreover, he thrashes me now and then;
But, excepting that, he's the best of men!

I own he is dreadfully given to drink,
Besides, he is rather too fond, I think,
Of playing at cards and dice; but then,
Excepting that, he's the best of men!

He loves to chat with the girls, I know
('T is the way with men, they are always so),
But what care I for his flirting, when,
Excepting that, he's the best of men?

When soaked with rum, he is hardly polite,
But knocks the crockery left and right,
And pulls my hair, and growls again;
But, excepting that, he's the best of men!

I can't but say I think he is rash
To pawn my pewter, and spend the cash,
But I haven't the heart to scold him, when,
Excepting that, he's the best of men!

What joy to think he's all my own!
The best of husbands that ever was known;
As good, indeed, as a man can be;
And who could wish for a better than he?

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