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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
THE BOOK OF THE DEAD: DEAD MAN ARISETH AND SINGETH A HYMN TO THE SUN, by ANONYMOUS First Line: "homage to thee, o ra, at thy tremendous rising!" Last Line: Millions of years shall come. Thou art above the years! Subject(s): Death; "dead, The; | |||
HOMAGE to thee, O Ra, at thy tremendous rising! Thou risest! Thou shinest! the heavens are rolled aside! Thou art the King of Gods, thou art the All-comprising, From thee we come, in thee are deified. Thy priests go forth at dawn; they wash their hearts with laughter; Divine winds move in music across thy golden strings. At sunset they embrace thee, as every cloudy rafter Flames with reflected color from thy wings. Thou sailest over the zenith, and thy heart rejoices; Thy Morning Boat and Evening Boat with fair winds meet together; Before thy face the goddess Maat exalts her fateful Feather, And at thy name the halls of Anu ring with voices. O Thou Perfect! Thou Eternal! Thou Only One! Great Hawk that fliest with the flying Sun! Between the Turquoise Sycamores that risest, young for ever, Thine image flashing on the bright celestial river. Thy rays are on all faces; Thou art inscrutable. Age after age thy life renews its eager prime. Time whirls its dust beneath thee; thou art immutable, Maker of Time, thyself beyond all Time. Thou passest through the portals that close behind the night, Gladdening the souls of them that lay in sorrow. The True of Word, the Quiet Heart, arise to drink thy light; Thou art To-day and Yesterday; Thou are To-morrow! Homage to thee, O Ra, who wakest life from slumber! Thou risest! Thou shinest! Thy radiant face appears! Millions of years have passed,we can not count their number, Millions of years shall come. Thou art above the years! | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...SITTING BULL IN SERBIA by WILLIAM JAY SMITH TO THE EXCELLENT ORINDA by PHILO PHILIPPA EPIGRAM OCCASIONED BY CIBBER'S VERSES IN PRAISE OF NASH: 1 by ALEXANDER POPE THE GIFT OF THE GODS by JOHN GODFREY SAXE TO CHRISTOPHER NORTH by ALFRED TENNYSON BEAU NASH by CHARLES TENNYSON TURNER BEAU NASH AND THE ROMAN, OR THE TWO ERAS by CHARLES TENNYSON TURNER TIS A LITTLE JOURNEY by ANONYMOUS |