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THE BOOK OF THE DEAD: HE WALKETH BY DAY, by             Poem Explanation        
First Line: "I am yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow"
Last Line: My spirit is god
Subject(s): Death;goddesses & Gods;mythology;mythology - Egyptian; "dead, The;

I AM Yesterday, To-day, and To-morrow,
The Divine Hidden Soul who created the gods,
And who feedeth the blessed.

I am Lord of the Risers from Death,
Whose Forms are the lamps in the House of the Dead
Whose shrine is the Earth.

When the sky is illumined with crystal,
Then gladden my road and broaden my path
And clothe me in light.

Keep me safe from the Sleeper in Darkness,
When eventide closeth the eyes of the god
And the door by the wall.

In the dawn I have opened the Sycamore;
My Form is the form of all women and men,
My spirit is God.

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