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THE BREEDYEEN, by                    
First Line: Tis the breedyeen I love
Last Line: From my star of the morning / my fairer than fair!

'TIS the Breedyeen I love,
All dear ones above,
Like a star from the start
Round my heart she did move.
Her breast like a dove,
Or the foam in the cove,
With her gold locks apart,
In my heart she put love.

'Tis not Venus, I say,
Who grieved me this day,
But the white one, the bright one,
Who slighted my stay.
For her I shall pray --
I confess it -- for aye,
She's my sister, I missed her,
When all men were gay.

To the hills let us go
Where the raven and crow
In the dark dismal valleys
Croak death-like and low;
By this volume I swear,
O bright cul of fair hair,
That though solitude shrieked
I should seek for thee there!

To the hills let us go,
Where the raven and crow
In the dark dismal valleys
Wing silent and slow.
There's no joy in men's fate
But grief grins in the gate:
There's no fair without foul,
Without crooked no straight.

Her neck like the lime,
And her breath like the thyme,
And her bosom untroubled
By care or by time.
Like a bird in the night
At a great blaze of light,
Astounded and wounded
I swoon at her sight.

Since I gave thee my love,
I gave thee my love,
I gave thee my love,
O thou berry so bright --
The sun in her height
Looked on with delight,
And between thy two arms, may
I die on the night!

And I would that I were
In the glens of the air,
Or in dark dismal valleys
Where the wildwood is bare;
What a kiss from her there
I should coax without care,
From my star of the morning,
My fairer than fair!

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