Poetry Explorer

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THE HEART OF A GIRL IS A WONDERFUL THING, by                    
First Line: What is the heart of a girl?
Last Line: For the heart of a girl is a wonderful thing

WHAT IS THE HEART of a girl?
Is it something that's given to swing?
Oh! Be it whatever it may,
The heart of a girl is a wonderful thing.

What a precious gift man can obtain,
And it's something that to him brings
Love, joy and perhaps fame --
'Tis the heart of a girl, a wonderful thing.

If you be a gambler, or maybe a cheat,
When a girl comes along, ah then,
If she gives you her heart, you'll fall at her feet,
For the heart of a girl is a wonderful thing.

A heart that's wonderful and true,
A heart that's ready to sing,
Except that heart there's nothing for you,
For the heart of a girl is a wonderful thing.

If you want to be happy and gay,
Listen to me, my friend,
Get the heart of a girl of today,
For it is a wonderful thing.

It will wipe away all sadness,
It will wipe away all pain;
It will bring you joy and gladness,
For the heart of a girl is a wonderful thing!

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