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THE HYMNARY: 336. TRINITY, by                    
First Line: All blessing to the blessed three
Last Line: "assigned them by their judge, the lord"

ALL blessing to the Blessed Three!
Hail, co-eternal Deity,
In glory equal, Father, Son,
And Spirit; ever Three in One.

Ruling o'er all things, One in Will,
Three Persons, yet One Substance still:
The Uncreated Unity,
In Godhead One, in Persons Three.

This faith can souls from sin release,
And bring them to that land of peace,
Where by the bright celestial throng
Is poured for aye triumphant song.

White-robed in Jesus' steps they tread,
Who sits enthroned above their head;
Their day of suffering past and gone,
Lo, they have put new raiment on.

Let us, in whom God's grace doth glow,
Pay now to God the debt we owe:
So, when to this world we have died,
Our place may still in heaven abide.

So, peradventure, when the last
Fight hath been fought and overpast,
We shall behold fair mansions rise,
To be our dwelling, in the skies;

Where evermore a wondrous Light
Shines, inextinguishably bright:
It is the Vision of the blest,
The Lord Himself made manifest.

Its beams on angels' breasts it throws,
As on the Source from which it flows
They gaze, -- the Form of Him Who trod
Erewhile this earth, Incarnate God.

On Him they gaze with burning thirst:
So shall the righteous burn, when first
They see the infinite reward
Assigned them by their Judge, the Lord.

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