Poetry Explorer

Classic and Contemporary Poetry

THE LIGHT-HEARTED FAIRY, by                    
First Line: "oh what is so merry, so merry, heigh ho!"
Last Line: With a hey and a heigh and a ho!
Subject(s): Fairies;happiness; Elves;joy;delight

Oh what is so merry, so merry, heigh-ho!
As the light-hearted fairy? Heigh-ho, heigh-ho!
He dances and sings
To the sound of his wings
With a hey and a heigh and a ho!
Oh, who is so merry, so airy, heigh-ho!
As the light-headed fairy? Heigh-ho, heigh-ho!

His nectar he sips
From the primroses' lips,
With a hey and a heigh and a ho!
Oh, who is so merry, so merry, heigh-ho!
As the light-footed fairy? Heigh-ho, heigh-ho!
The night is his noon
And his sun is the moon
With a hey and a heigh and a ho!

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