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THE TRIP TO CAMBRIDGE, by                    
First Line: When congress sent great washington
Last Line: "so off they marched, with patriot zeal, / and took a patriot dinner"
Subject(s): "presidents, United States;washington, George (1732-1799);

WHEN Congress sent great Washington
All clothed in power and breeches,
To meet old Britain's warlike sons
And make some rebel speeches;

'T was then he took his gloomy way
Astride his dapple donkeys,
And travelled well, both night and day,
Until he reach'd the Yankees.

Away from camp, 'bout three miles off,
From Lily he dismounted,
His sergeant brush'd his sun-burnt wig
While he the specie counted.

All prinked up in full bag-wig;
The shaking notwithstanding,
In leathers tight, oh! glorious sight!
He reach'd the Yankee landing.

The women ran, the darkeys too;
And all the bells, they tolled;
For Britain's sons, by Doodle doo,
We're sure to be -- consoled.

Old mother Hancock with a pan
All crowded full of butter,
Unto the lovely Georgius ran,
And added to the splutter.

Says she, "Our brindle has just calved,
And John is wondrous happy.
He sent this present to you, dear,
As you're the 'country's papa.'" --

"You'll butter bread and bread butter,
But do not butt your speeches.
You'll butter bread and bread butter,
But do not grease your breeches."

Full many a child went into camp,
All dressed in homespun kersey,
To see the greatest rebel scamp
That ever cross'd o'er Jersey.

The rebel clowns, oh! what a sight!
Too awkward was their figure.
'T was yonder stood a pious wight,
And here and there a nigger.

Upon a stump he placed (himself),
Great Washington did he,
And through the nose of lawyer Close,
Proclaimed great Liberty.

The patriot brave, the patriot fair,
From fervor had grown thinner,
So off they march'd, with patriot zeal,
And took a patriot dinner.

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