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THE TWO MAGICIANS, by                    
First Line: O she looked out of the window
Last Line: And fetched her to his lair
Subject(s): Magic

O she looked out of the window,
As white as any milk;
But He looked into the window,
As black as any silk.
Hulloa, hulloa, hulloa, hulloa, you coal black smith!
O what is your silly song?

You never shall change my maiden name
That I have kept so long;
I'd rather die a maid, yes, but then she said,
And be buried all in my grave,
Than I'd have such a nasty, husky, dusky, musty, fusky,
Coal black smith
A maiden I will die.
Then She became a duck,
A duck all on the stream;
And He became a water dog,
And fetched her back again.
Hulloa, & c.

Then She became a hare,
A hare all on the plain;
And He became a greyhound dog,
And fetched her back again.
Hulloa, & c

Then She became a fly
A fly all in the air;
And He became a spider,
And fetched her to his lair.
Hulloa, & c.

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