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BAGATELLE, SELS., by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Imp of dreams, when she's asleep

IMP of Dreams, when she's asleep,
To her snowy chamber creep,
And straight whisper in her ear
What, awake, she will not hear--
Imp of Dreams, when she's asleep.

Tell her, so she may repent,
That no rose withholds its scent,
That no bird that has a song
Hoards the music summer-long
Tell her, so she may repent.

Tell her there's naught else to do,
If to-morrow's skies be blue,
But to come, with civil speech,
And walk with me to Hampton Beach
Tell her there's naught else to do!
Tell her, so she may repent
Imp of Dreams, when she's asleep!

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