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SONNETS: 13., by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: All the world's malice, all the spite of fate
Last Line: As on a flowery path, through life I'll move,- %as through an arch of triumph, pass the tomb

All the world's malice, all the spite of fate,
Cannot undo the rapture of the past.
I, like a victor, hold these glories fast;
And here defy the envious powers, that wait
Upon the crumbling fortunes of our state,
To snatch this myrtle chaplet, or to blast
Its smallest leaf. Thus to the wind I cast
The poet's laurel, and before their date
Summon the direst terrors of my doom.
For, with this myrtle symbol of my love,
I reign exultant, and am fixed above
The petty fates that other joys consume.
As on a flowery path, through life I'll move,—
As through an arch of triumph, pass the tomb.

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