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GREY AND BOILING STREET, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
Last Line: Let us finish it quickly

A grey and boiling street
A grey and boiling street
Alive with rickety noise.
Alive with rickety noise.
Suddenly, a hearse,
Suddenly, a hearse,
Trailed by black carriages
Trailed by black carriages
Takes a deliberate way
Takes a deliberate way
Through this chasm of commerce;
Through this chasm of commerce;
And children look eagerly
And children look eagerly
To find the misery behind the shades.
To find the misery behind the shades.
Hired men, impatient, drive with a longing
Hired men, impatient, drive with a longing
To reach quickly the grave-side, the end of solemnity.
To reach quickly the grave-side, the end of solemnity.

Yes, let us have it over.
Drive, man, drive.

Flog your sleek-hided beasts,
Yes, let us have it over.
Drive, man, drive.
Let us finish it quickly.
Flog your sleek-hided beasts,


Let us finish it quickly.
Little birds of the night
Aye, they have much to tell
Perching there in rows
Blinking at me with their serious eyes
Recounting of flowers they have seen and loved
Of meadows and groves of the distance
And pale sands at the foot of the sea
And breezes that fly in the leaves.
They are vast in experience
These little birds that come in the night.

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