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Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Searching... Author: TEASDALE, SARA Matches Found: 490 Teasdale, Sara Poet's Biography Alternate Author Name(s): Filsinger, Ernest B., Mrs. 490 poems available by this author A BALLAD OF TWO KNIGHTS Poem Text First Line: Two knights rode forth at early dawn Last Line: I ween that each knight smiled. Subject(s): Knights & Knighthood; Love A BOY Poem Text First Line: Out of the noise of tired people working, Subject(s): Boys; Beauty; War; God A CRY Poem Text First Line: Oh, there are eyes that he can see Last Line: Only a cry. A FANTASY Poem Text First Line: Her voice is like clear water Last Line: Where quiet falls asleep. Subject(s): Silence A JUNE DAY Poem Text First Line: I heard a red-winged blackbird singing Last Line: That never will come again. Subject(s): June A LITTLE WHILE Poem Text First Line: A little while when I am gone Last Line: Back to the nothingness that is their home. Variant Title(s): The Dark Cup: 5. Subject(s): Mortality A MAIDEN Poem Text First Line: Oh if I were the velvet rose Last Line: More red than roses blow. Subject(s): Flowers; Roses A MAN WHO UNDERSTOOD WOMEN Poem Text First Line: He meets her twice or thrice a year Last Line: A saint, a sinner, or a fool. Subject(s): Women A MINUET OF MOZART'S Poem Text First Line: Across the dimly lighted room Last Line: Was drowned within the wave of night. Subject(s): Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) A NOVEMBER NIGHT Poem Text First Line: There! See the line of lights Last Line: Even the stars have gone. We two alone! A PRAYER (1) Poem Text First Line: Until I lose my soul and lie Last Line: Careless if I am loved again. Subject(s): Prayer A PRAYER (2) Poem Text First Line: When I am dying, let me know Last Line: Loving life for its own sake. Subject(s): Life A REPLY Poem Text First Line: Four people knew the very me Last Line: On memories I would not lose. A SONG OF THE PRINCESS Poem Text First Line: The princess has her lovers Last Line: I ween that she would die. A WINTER BLUEJAY Poem Text First Line: Crisply the bright snow whispered Last Line: Or set the bounds of beauty? Subject(s): Bluejays A WINTER NIGHT Poem Text First Line: My window-pane is starred with frost Last Line: My heart is crying in the cold. Subject(s): Winter ABSENCE Poem Text First Line: I cannot sleep, the night is hot and empty Last Line: All of earth's children bow before her will. Subject(s): Absence; Separation; Isolation ADVICE TO A GIRL First Line: No one worth possessing Last Line: Can be quite possessed AFTER DEATH Poem Text First Line: Now while my lips are living Last Line: And then you could not hear. Subject(s): Death; Dead, The AFTER LOVE Poem Text First Line: There is no magic anymore Last Line: For all its peace. Subject(s): Love - Loss Of AFTER MIDNIGHT, LONDON First Line: Over the melancholy sea of roofs Last Line: And no concern at all to all these others AFTER PARTING Poem Text First Line: Oh, I have sown my love so wide Last Line: And in the night a shaft of fire. Subject(s): Absence; Separation; Isolation AFTERWARDS Poem Text First Line: I do not love you now Last Line: Threaded with stars. Subject(s): Love - Loss Of AGE First Line: Brooks sing in the spring Last Line: Wells up without sound ALCHEMY Poem Text First Line: I lift my heart as spring lifts up Last Line: To living gold. Subject(s): Hope; Optimism ALL THAT WAS MORTAL First Line: All that was mortal shall be burned away Last Line: In flight begun and ended in the air ALONE Poem Text First Line: I am alone, in spite of love Last Line: Who are not lonely, having died. Subject(s): Solitude; Loneliness AN END Poem Text First Line: I have no heart for any other joy Last Line: And summer will not come to me again. ANADYOMENE Poem Text First Line: The wide, bright temple of the world I found Last Line: Again to drift along the starry places. APPRAISAL First Line: Never think she loves him wholly Last Line: To be gathered in a word APRIL Poem Text First Line: The roofs are shining from the rain Last Line: Save that it sings in me. Subject(s): Spring APRIL SONG Poem Text First Line: Willow, in your april gown Last Line: Love is near me! Subject(s): Spring ARCTURUS Poem Text First Line: Arcturus brings the spring back Last Line: He gives to me to-night Subject(s): Arcturus ARCTURUS IN AUTUMN Poem Text First Line: When, in the gold october dusk, I saw you near to setting Last Line: You will not stay to share our lengthening night. Subject(s): Arcturus ARMOR Poem Text First Line: Men wear their pride as an armor Last Line: Would never pierce the bone. ASHES First Line: Laid in a quiet corner of the world Last Line: And fold upon themselves, at last, no more ASHES TO ASHES Poem Text First Line: Shut your heart, though it be like a burning house Last Line: Too white to stain the clear cold blue of the sky. AT A PARTY Poem Text First Line: In the hot and crowded room Last Line: I was aware of you. Subject(s): Parties AT MIDNIGHT Poem Text First Line: Now at last I have come to see what life is Last Line: Are not so good as rest. Subject(s): Transience; Impermanence AT NIGHT Poem Text First Line: Love said, 'wake still and think of me' Last Line: Gave both to love and sleep their way. AT NIGHT (2) Poem Text First Line: We are apart; the city grows quiet between us Last Line: My thoughts fly in at your window, a flock of wild birds. Subject(s): Love AT SEA Poem Text First Line: In the pull of the wind I stand, lonely Last Line: With fear an unhealing wound in my breast. AT TINTAGIL Poem Text First Line: Iseult, iseult, by the long waterways Last Line: Though there were greater queens who had been gay. Subject(s): Arthurian Legend; Courts & Courtiers; Arthur, King AUGUST MOONRISE Poem Text First Line: The sun was gone, and the moon was coming Last Line: For the theft of all of me. Subject(s): August AUGUST NIGHT Poem Text First Line: On a midsummer night, on a night that was eerie with stars Last Line: You said, and no more. Subject(s): August; Night; Bedtime AUTUMN (PARC MONCEAU) First Line: I shall remember only these leaves falling Last Line: A dream lost among dreams AUTUMN DUSK Poem Text First Line: I saw above a sea of hills Last Line: To keep the world from being mine. AUTUMN ON THE BEACHES First Line: Not more blue at the dawn of the world Last Line: Know that the year is old AUTUMN SONG First Line: Turn, turn away, gather no more of the holly Last Line: We can gather it if we must after a fall of snow BARTER Poem Text Recitation First Line: Life has loveliness to sell Last Line: Give all you have been, or could be. Subject(s): Beauty; Love; Poetry & Poets BEATRICE Poem Text First Line: Send out the singers - let the room be still Last Line: O lift me up and I shall reach the sun! Subject(s): Dante Alighieri (1265-1321); Man-woman Relationships; Women's Rights; Male-female Relations; Feminism BEAUTIFUL, PROUD SEA' First Line: Careless forever, beautiful proud sea Last Line: Not breaking, but about to break BECAUSE Poem Text First Line: Oh, because you never tried Last Line: Since you never asked me to. BELLS Poem Text First Line: At six o'clock of an autumn dusk Last Line: Where I can forget that the days go. Variant Title(s): The Dark Cup: 3. Bells Subject(s): Bells BERKSHIRE NOTES BLUE SQUILLS Poem Text First Line: How many million aprils came Last Line: May bear the scar of you. Subject(s): April BLUE STARGRASS Poem Text First Line: If we took the old path Last Line: By the path again. BOONTON Poem Text First Line: I know a bright world of snowy hills at boonton Last Line: With the winter sun drawing cold blue shadows from the trees. Subject(s): New Jersey; Towns BROADWAY Poem Text First Line: This is the quiet hour; the theaters Last Line: A strain of music thru an open door. Subject(s): Broadway, New York City BROKEN THINGS Poem Text First Line: Broken things are loveliest Last Line: The broken beauty of the sea. BURIED LOVE Poem Text First Line: I shall bury my weary love Last Line: When none will know. Subject(s): Love BURIED LOVE (2) First Line: I have come to bury love Last Line: When none will know Subject(s): Love - Loss Of BUT NOT TO ME Poem Text First Line: The april night is still and sweet Last Line: But not to me. Subject(s): Love BY THE SEA Poem Text First Line: Beside an ebbing northern sea Last Line: In one low, broken cry? Subject(s): Sea; Ocean CALM MORNING AT SEA First Line: Midocean like a pale blue morning-glory Last Line: Fleckless on every side Subject(s): Sea CENTRAL PARK AT DUSK Poem Text First Line: Buildings above the leafless trees Last Line: The world is waiting for the spring. Subject(s): Central Park, New York City CHANCE Poem Text First Line: How many times we must have met Last Line: The door of heaven and never knew. CHANGE (1) Poem Text First Line: Remember me as I was then Last Line: What other years have done to me. Subject(s): Aging; Change CHANGE (2) First Line: Change, in a world of change, follows me even here Last Line: And low in the yellow west a different planet burns CHILD, CHILD Poem Text First Line: Child, child, love while you can Last Line: Only through love will you enter heaven. Subject(s): Love CHRISTMAS CAROL Poem Text First Line: The kings they came from out the south Last Line: Before the song was done. Subject(s): Christmas; Christmas Carols; Magi; Nativity, The CITY VIGNETTE: DAWN Poem Text First Line: The greenish sky glows up in misty reds Last Line: And hear the milk-cart jangle by alone. Subject(s): Cities; Urban Life CITY VIGNETTE: DUSK Poem Text First Line: The city's street, a roaring blackened stream Last Line: And over all the pale untroubled skies. Subject(s): Cities; Urban Life CITY VIGNETTE: RAIN AT NIGHT Poem Text First Line: The street-lamps shine in a yellow line Last Line: By the tread of homing feet. Subject(s): Cities; Rain; Urban Life CLEAR EVENING First Line: The crescent moon is large enough to linger Last Line: A poem learned before I fall asleep COME Poem Text First Line: Come, when the pale moon like a petal Last Line: Will be as the gray stones in the grass. COMPENSATION Poem Text First Line: I should be glad of loneliness Last Line: On a winter night. Subject(s): Solitude; Loneliness CONEY ISLAND Poem Text First Line: Why did you bring me here? Last Line: Come, let us go. Subject(s): Coney Island, New York City CONFLICT First Line: The spartan and the sybarite Last Line: I shall be the defeated one COOL AS THE TOUCH OF A STONE Last Line: Of the dark, sleepless fires CROWNED Poem Text First Line: I wear a crown invisible and clear Last Line: And bind my brow forever with a thorn. Subject(s): Love DAY AND NIGHT Poem Text First Line: In warsaw in poland Last Line: Is half the world away Subject(s): Absence; Love; Longing; Separation; Isolation DEBT Poem Text First Line: What do I owe to you Last Line: That led through heaven's wall. Subject(s): Love DEBTOR Poem Text First Line: So long as my spirit still Last Line: Not life to me? DECEMBER DAY First Line: Dawn turned on her purple pillow DEEP IN THE NIGHT Poem Text First Line: Deep in the night the cry of a swallow Last Line: Stilled by the stars at night. Subject(s): Night; Bedtime DESERT POOLS Poem Text First Line: I love too much; I am a river Last Line: In stagnant water keen as fire. Subject(s): Love DEW Poem Text First Line: I dream that he is mine Last Line: A hundred roses' share. DID YOU NEVER KNOW? Poem Text First Line: Did you never know, long ago, how much you loved me Last Line: I know your secret, my dear, my dear Subject(s): Love - Nature Of DOCTORS Poem Text First Line: Every night I lie awake Last Line: Conferring at my side. Subject(s): Physicians; Sickness; Doctors; Illness DOORYARD ROSES Poem Text First Line: I have come the selfsame path Last Line: Fire in the heart. DOUBT Poem Text First Line: My soul lives in my body's house Last Line: But what if my soul broke faith with you? Subject(s): Love DREAMS Poem Text First Line: I gave my life to another lover Last Line: Is waiting tho' I see him not. Subject(s): Dreams; Love - Loss Of; Nightmares DRIFTWOOD Poem Text First Line: My forefathers gave me Last Line: Of colored nights and days. DUSK IN JUNE Poem Text First Line: Evening, and all the birds Last Line: Sing before night. DUSK IN WAR TIME Poem Text First Line: A half-hour more and you will lean Last Line: Waiting at dusk for one who is dead! Subject(s): War DUST Poem Text First Line: When I went to look at what had long been hidden Last Line: Before the years can make it wise. Subject(s): Love - Nature Of DUTY Poem Text First Line: Fool, do not beat the air Last Line: A thread of song. EBB TIDE Poem Text First Line: When the long day goes by Last Line: And light of a million stars. EFFIGY OF A NUN (SIXTEENTH CENTURY) Poem Text First Line: Infinite gentleness, infinite irony Last Line: How empty wisdom is, even to the wise. Subject(s): Nuns; Wisdom EGYPTIAN KINGS WERE BURIED Last Line: Past its few small years EIGHT O'CLOCK Poem Text First Line: Supper comes at five o'clock, Last Line: Eight o'clock to me Subject(s): Time; Longing EMBERS Poem Text First Line: I said, 'my youth is gone' Last Line: Once more to you. ENOUGH Poem Text First Line: It is enough for me by day Last Line: Blow by like music over me. Subject(s): Love EPITAPH Poem Text First Line: Serene descent, as a red leaf's descending Last Line: Nor he awake to know she does not care. Subject(s): Epitaphs ERINNA Poem Text First Line: They sent you in to say farewell to me Last Line: I am alone, alone. O cyprian . . . Subject(s): Erinna (4th Century B.c.) EVEN TODAY First Line: What if the bridge men built goes down Last Line: I shall live out in dignity EVENING First Line: Blue dust of evening over my city Last Line: Bloom from the walls like climbing flowers EVENING: NEW YORK Poem Text First Line: Blue dust of evening over my city Last Line: Bloom from the walls like climbing flowers Subject(s): New York City; Manhattan; New York, New York; The Big Apple FACES Poem Text First Line: People that I meet and pass Last Line: That you know as much of me? Subject(s): Faces FALLING STAR First Line: I saw a star slide down the sky Last Line: And then forever to be gone Subject(s): Stars FAULTS Poem Text First Line: They came to tell your faults to me Last Line: Your faults had made me love you more. Subject(s): Love FEAR Poem Text First Line: I am afraid, oh I am so afraid! Last Line: How can they shut me underneath a stone? Subject(s): Fear FEBRUARY Poem Text First Line: They spoke of him I love Last Line: Hidden in you. FEBRUARY TWILIGHT First Line: I stood beside a hill Last Line: I stood and watched the evening star %as long as it watched me FEEL MY SILENCE SPEAK Last Line: And the cat from the tiger came FLAMES Poem Text First Line: I watched a log in the fire-place burning Last Line: That life so freely gave to me. Subject(s): Fire FONTAINEBLEAU (AUTUMN) Poem Text First Line: Interminable palaces front on the green parterres Last Line: Four centuries of autumns, four centuries of leaves. Subject(s): Autumn; Fontainebleau, France; Seasons; Fall FOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF JOHN KEATS' DEATH Poem Text First Line: At midnight when the moonlit cypress trees Last Line: With visions of the sunny earth and sea. Subject(s): Keats, John (1795-1821); Poetry & Poets FOREKNOWN First Line: They brought me with a secret glee Last Line: To mix with the winter and the snow FOUNTAIN (3) First Line: Fountain, fountain, why do you say Last Line: Nothing escapes, nothing is free Subject(s): Fountains FOUR WINDS Poem Text First Line: Four winds blowing thro' the sky Last Line: Then will love be kind to thee Subject(s): Wind FROM A HIGH WINDOW First Line: From a high window, this december night Subject(s): New York City; Manhattan; New York, New York; The Big Apple FROM A HIGH WINDOW (NEW YORK, DECEMBER, 1931) First Line: From a high window, this december night Last Line: Though I am lovely, I am not for long Subject(s): New York City FROM THE NORTH Poem Text First Line: The northern woods are delicately sweet Last Line: The first keen sea-breath from the open sea. FROM THE SEA Poem Text First Line: All beauty calls you to me, and you seem Last Line: A heaven of unborn evanescent stars. Subject(s): Sea; Ocean FROM THE WOOLWORTH TOWER Poem Text First Line: Vivid with love, eager for greater beauty Last Line: Victors. Subject(s): New York City - Buildings; Skyscrapers; Woolworth Building, New York GALAHAD IN THE CASTLE OF THE MAIDENS Poem Text First Line: The other maidens raised their eyes to him Last Line: She dared not meet him with their queenlike grace. Subject(s): Abbey, Edwin Austin (1852-1911); Arthurian Legend; Paintings And Painters; Arthur, King GIFTS Poem Text First Line: I gave my first love laughter Last Line: Who gave my soul to me. GRACE BEFORE SLEEP First Line: How can our minds and bodies be Last Line: Accept, o lord, our thanks tonight GRAMERCY PARK Poem Text First Line: The little park was filled with peace Last Line: If we should dare to enter in. Subject(s): Gramercy Park, New York City GRANDFATHER'S LOVE Poem Text First Line: They said he sent his love to me Last Line: I like his cough-drops twice as much. Subject(s): Grandparents; Grandmothers; Grandfathers; Great Grandfathers; Great Grandmothers GRAY EYES Poem Text First Line: It was april when you came Last Line: For the first time at the sea Subject(s): Eyes; Love - Beginnings GRAY FOG Poem Text First Line: A fog drifts in, the heavy laden Last Line: And heavy as the dead. Subject(s): Fog; Haze GUENEVERE Poem Text First Line: I was a queen, and I have lost my crown Last Line: Whom love so lashed, and with such cruel thongs. Subject(s): Arthurian Legend; Arthur, King HAWK First Line: Men have tried to be kind Last Line: And the hawk sweeps down and slays Subject(s): Birds; Hawks; Life HELEN OF TROY Poem Text First Line: Wild flight on flight against the fading dawn Last Line: Lo, I shall live to conquer greece again! Subject(s): Helen Of Troy; Mythology - Classical; Troy HIDDEN LOVE Poem Text First Line: I hid the love within my heart Last Line: To free his life of pain. Subject(s): Love HIDE AND SEEK Poem Text First Line: When I was a child we played sometimes in the dark Last Line: When the game is over and we are put to bed. Subject(s): Games; Life; Recreation; Pastimes; Amusements HOUSES OF DREAMS Poem Text First Line: You took my empty dreams Last Line: And nothing now to do. Subject(s): Dreams; Nightmares I AM BORNE ONWARD Poem Text First Line: I am borne onward from the faith of my fathers Last Line: They leant upon them -- I am alone. Subject(s): Solitude; Loneliness I AM NOT YOURS Poem Text First Line: I am not yours, not lost in you Last Line: A taper in a rushing wind. Subject(s): Love - Unrequited I COULD SNATCH A DAY Poem Text First Line: I could snatch a day out of the late autumn Last Line: Waiting for nothing at all. I HAVE LOVED HOURS AT SEA Poem Text Last Line: I shall be tired and glad to go Subject(s): Sea; Ocean I HAVE SEEN THE SPRING' Poem Text First Line: Nothing is new, I have seen the spring too often Last Line: Nothing is lost but a few years from my life. Subject(s): Spring I HAVE SEEN THE SPRING' First Line: Nothing is new, I have seen the spring too often I KNOW THE STARS Poem Text First Line: Know the stars by their names Last Line: The thing I long to know Subject(s): Stars; Love - Complaints I LIVED IN MY LIFE AS A DREAM Last Line: Let me live out my life as a dream I LOOK IN MY HEART Poem Text First Line: I look in my heart as into a mirror Last Line: Or the ash of a fire put out by rain. Subject(s): Self I MIGHT HAVE SUNG OF THE WORLD Poem Text Last Line: But the chart I made is true. Subject(s): Self I REMEMBERED Poem Text First Line: There was never a mood of mine Last Line: The heart belongs to him who knows it best. Subject(s): Love I SHALL LIVE TO BE OLD Poem Text First Line: I shall live to be old, who feared I should die young Last Line: And to envy sometimes the way of the early dead. Subject(s): Old Age I SHALL NOT CARE Poem Text First Line: When I am dead and over me bright april Last Line: Than you are now. Subject(s): Death; Revenge; Dead, The I SHALL NOT GO BACK TO THE PLACE THAT I LOVE Poem Text Last Line: I shall not go back to the place that I love Subject(s): Past I THOUGHT OF YOU Poem Text First Line: I thought of you and how you love this beauty Last Line: Before you hear that sound again with me. I WOULD LIVE IN YOUR LOVE Poem Text First Line: I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea Last Line: As it leads. Subject(s): Love IF DEATH IS KIND Poem Text First Line: Perhaps if death is kind, and there can be returning Last Line: We shall be happy, for the dead are free. Subject(s): Death; Dead, The IF I MUST GO Poem Text First Line: If I must go to heaven's end Last Line: Knowing and known unchangeably. IMEROS Poem Text First Line: I am a wave that cannot reach the land Last Line: Send me not back to death unsatisfied. IMMORTAL Poem Text First Line: So soon my body will have gone Last Line: A wave that never finds the shore. Subject(s): Immortality; Religion; Theology IN A BURYING GROUND Poem Text First Line: This is the spot where I will lie Last Line: "the myrtle flowers will grow more blue." Subject(s): Cemeteries; Graveyards IN A COPY OF 'RIVERS TO THE SEA' SENT TO THOS. S. JONES, JR Poem Text First Line: Singer of many shining songs Last Line: You chance to see a star. IN A CUBAN GARDEN Poem Text First Line: Hibiscus flowers are cups of fire Last Line: From the great black vulture circling the sky. Subject(s): Gardens & Gardening IN A DARKENING GARDEN Poem Text First Line: Gather together, against the coming of night Last Line: They lasted out our day Subject(s): Gardens & Gardening IN A DARKENING GARDEN First Line: Gather together, against the coming of night Last Line: They lasted out our day Subject(s): Gardens And Gardening IN A GARDEN Poem Text First Line: The world is resting without sound or motion, Last Line: And stills herself to sleep Subject(s): Gardens & Gardening; Landscape; Connecticut IN A RAILROAD STATION Poem Text First Line: We stood in the shrill electric light Last Line: My tears were hidden in my heart. Subject(s): Absence; Separation; Isolation IN A RESTAURANT Poem Text First Line: The darkened street was muffled with snow Last Line: And once more on your shoulders fell the snow. Subject(s): Restaurants; Cafes; Diners IN A SUBWAY SYSTEM Poem Text First Line: After a year I came again to the place IN FLORENCE Poem Text First Line: I'm tired of all the quaintness Last Line: Along fifth avenue! Subject(s): Florence, Italy IN ME Poem Text First Line: In me the quiet or the strife Last Line: In my own heaven the fragrant rain. IN MEMORIAM: F.O.S. Poem Text First Line: You go a long and lovely journey Last Line: Far past the birthplace of the sun? Subject(s): Future Life IN MEMORY OF VACHEL LINDSAY Poem Text First Line: Deep in the ages, you said, deep in the ages Subject(s): Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931) IN MEMORY OF VACHEL LINDSAY First Line: Deep in the ages, you said, deep in the ages Last Line: Bravest among the brave, gayest among the wise Subject(s): Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931) IN SORROW Poem Text First Line: It is not my own sorrow that opens my mouth Last Line: Even my life? Subject(s): Grief; Sorrow; Sadness IN SPRING, SANTA BARBARA Poem Text First Line: I have been happy two weeks together Last Line: My heart sings only when it breaks Subject(s): Spring; Togetherness IN SPRING: SANTA BARBARA First Line: I have been happy two weeks together IN THE CARPENTER'S SHOP Poem Text First Line: Mary sat in the corner dreaming Last Line: All the years. Subject(s): Jesus Christ - Childhood & Youth IN THE END Poem Text First Line: All that could never be said Last Line: Nor heaven be there at our call. Variant Title(s): The Dark Cup: 3. In The End IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM Poem Text First Line: Within the tiny pantheon Last Line: To find the present with a kiss. Subject(s): Metropolitan Museum Of Art, New York IN THE TRAIN Poem Text First Line: Fields beneath a quilt of snow Last Line: And in my heart a timid star. Subject(s): Railroads; Railways; Trains IN THE WEB Poem Text First Line: Let be, my soul, fold your rebellious pinions Last Line: Take their great captor for their changeless friend. IN THE WOOD First Line: I heard the waterfall rejoice Last Line: Reared black upon a stone INDIAN SUMMER Poem Text First Line: Lyric night of the lingering indian summer Last Line: Lest they forget them. Subject(s): Indian Summer IT IS NOT A WORD Poem Text First Line: It is not a word spoken Last Line: That sleep so light a sleep. IT IS NOT I Poem Text First Line: It is not I they love Last Line: A thing as light as snow, as still as stone. IT WILL NOT CHANGE NOW Poem Text First Line: It will not change now Last Line: When I am gone Subject(s): Love JEWELS Poem Text First Line: If I should see your eyes again Last Line: And cannot wear in sober day. Subject(s): Jewelry & Jewelers JOY Poem Text First Line: I am wild, I will sing to the trees Last Line: Now at last I can live! Subject(s): Happiness; Joy; Delight JUNE NIGHT Poem Text First Line: O earth you are too dear to-night Last Line: Except my body after I die? LAND'S END Poem Text First Line: The shores of the world are ours, the solitary Last Line: Takes the unchanging passion of the sea. LAST PRELUDE First Line: If this shall be the last time Subject(s): Death; Dead, The LAST PRELUDE First Line: If this shall be the last time Last Line: Miles on uncounted miles Subject(s): Death LATE OCTOBER First Line: Listen, the damp leaves on the walks are blowing Last Line: Whatever she has to say Variant Title(s): Bois De Boulogn LEAVES Poem Text First Line: One by one, like leaves from a tree Last Line: Stars above and earth below. Subject(s): Religion; Theology LEISURE Poem Text First Line: If I should make no poems any more Last Line: And half ironic musings of my mind. Variant Title(s): Tired Subject(s): Leisure LESS THAN THE CLOUD TO THE WIND Poem Text Last Line: Art thou to me Subject(s): Love LET IT BE FORGOTTEN Poem Text First Line: Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten Last Line: In a long-forgotten snow Subject(s): Transience; Impermanence LET IT BE YOU Poem Text First Line: Let it be you who lean above me Last Line: As I love you. Subject(s): Love LET NEVER MUSIC SOUND Last Line: In peace on every side LIGHTS Poem Text First Line: When we come home at night and close the door Last Line: And not one wholly joyous, proud, or free. LIKE BARLEY BENDING Poem Text Last Line: Change my sorrow / into song Subject(s): Barley; Grief; Song LINES First Line: These are the ultimate highlands Last Line: Deep in the west LITTLE WHILE, FR. THE DARK CUP LONGING Poem Text First Line: I am not sorry for my soul Last Line: Without the joy it longed to know. Subject(s): Mortality; Religion; Theology LOST THINGS Poem Text First Line: Oh, I could let the world go by Last Line: In silver on the jewel-weeds! Subject(s): Nature LOVE AND DEATH Poem Text First Line: Shall we, too, rise forgetful from our sleep Last Line: Fare forth alone to front eternity. Subject(s): Death; Dead, The LOVE IN AUTUMN Poem Text First Line: I sought among the drifting leaves Last Line: The garden's last red rose. Subject(s): Love LOVE ME Poem Text First Line: Brown-thrush singing all day long Last Line: And kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! Subject(s): Love LOVE SONGS LOVE-FREE Poem Text First Line: I am free of love as a bird flying south in the autumn Last Line: I am my lover's. Subject(s): Love - Loss Of LOVELY CHANCE Poem Text First Line: O lovely chance, what can I do Last Line: And a thin white moon in the pepper tree. Subject(s): Fortune LOW TIDE Poem Text First Line: The birds are gathering over the dunes Last Line: Why did you bring me down to the sea? Subject(s): Sea; Tides; Ocean LYRICS MADEIRA FROM THE SEA Poem Text First Line: Out of the delicate dream of the distance an emerald emerges Last Line: Fallen asleep to the tune of a portuguese song in a garden. Subject(s): Portugal MARCH NIGHTS Poem Text First Line: The thin night wind is cold Last Line: I have borne too many springs. Subject(s): March (month); Night; Bedtime MARIANNA ALCOFORANDO Poem Text First Line: The sparrows wake beneath the convent eaves Last Line: And sheds a quiet light across the fields. Subject(s): Alcoforando, Marianna (1640-1723); Nuns MAY Poem Text First Line: The wind is tossing the lilac Last Line: Is false to me in may. Subject(s): May (month) MAY DAY Poem Text First Line: The shining line of motors Last Line: Too beautiful to bear. Variant Title(s): The Dark Cup: 1. May Subject(s): May (month) MAY DAY Poem Text First Line: The shining line of motors Last Line: Too beautiful to bear. Variant Title(s): The Dark Cup: 1. May Subject(s): May (month) MAY NIGHT Poem Text First Line: The spring is fresh and fearless Last Line: And over-brimmed with spring. Subject(s): Spring MAY WIND Poem Text First Line: I said, 'I have shut my heart Last Line: Unless you set me free Subject(s): Wind; Love MEADOWLARKS Poem Text First Line: In the silver light after a storm, Last Line: And meadowlarks whistling in silver light Subject(s): Larks; Skylarks MESSAGE Poem Text First Line: I heard a cry in the night Last Line: I know, I know! Variant Title(s): To One Away MIDSUMMER NIGHT Poem Text First Line: Midsummer night, without a moon, but the stars. Last Line: I am ashamed, I have betrayed my friend. Subject(s): August; Italy; Moon; Night; Stars; Italians; Bedtime MOODS Poem Text First Line: I am the still rain falling Last Line: Oh, be for me the sky! MOON'S ENDING First Line: Moon, worn thin to the width of a quill Last Line: Giving light, dying MOONLIGHT Poem Text First Line: It will not hurt me when I am old Last Line: It will not hurt me when I am old. Subject(s): Old Age MOONLIGHT ON THE BED First Line: No moon would rise till after midnight Last Line: Was the grave splendor of a single planet %opposite me MORNING Poem Text First Line: I went out on an april morning Last Line: Swept as a sea-bird out to sea. Subject(s): Morning MORNING SONG Poem Text First Line: A diamond of a morning Last Line: Only the lonely are free. Subject(s): Morning; Solitude; Loneliness MOUNTAIN WATER Poem Text First Line: You have taken a drink from a wild fountain Last Line: In the feathery green of the year. Subject(s): Mountains; Water; Hills; Downs (great Britain) MY HEART IS HEAVY Poem Text First Line: My heart is heavy with many a song Last Line: Take it, no one will know. Subject(s): Grief; Sorrow; Sadness NAHANT Poem Text First Line: Bowed as an elm under the weight of its beauty, Last Line: Slim in his khaki Subject(s): Nature; War NET First Line: I made you many and many a song Last Line: Only to find it lost the blue %dark splendor of the sea NEVER AGAIN Poem Text First Line: Never again the music blown as brightly Last Line: All I have lost or never found at all. NEW LOVE AND OLD Poem Text First Line: In my heart the old love Last Line: Or to you? Subject(s): Love - Loss Of NEW YEAR'S DAWN - BROADWAY Poem Text First Line: When the horns wear thin Last Line: Dizzy and sick. Subject(s): Broadway, New York City; Holidays; New Year NIGHT First Line: Stars over snow Subject(s): Stars NIGHT First Line: Stars over snow Last Line: It never will be far Subject(s): Stars NIGHT AFTER NIGHT Poem Text First Line: Night after night under my window Last Line: Are they the same? NIGHT IN ARIZONA Poem Text First Line: The moon is a charring ember Last Line: And cry like a child. Subject(s): Arizona; Night; Bedtime NIGHTFALL Poem Text First Line: We will never walk again Last Line: And stars come out in the skies. Subject(s): Night; Bedtime NIGHTS WITHOUT SLEEP Poem Text First Line: Nights without sleep and days Last Line: In an hour of ease. Subject(s): Insomnia; Sleeplessness NOT BY THE SEA Poem Text First Line: Not by the sea, but somewhere in the hills Last Line: There must be sleep, even for sleepless eyes. Subject(s): Sleep NOVEMBER Poem Text First Line: The world is tired, the year is old Last Line: Like leaves along the wind. Subject(s): November NOVEMBER STARS Poem Text First Line: Splendor of many stars and the unknown Last Line: You will shine -- I shall be gone. Subject(s): Mortality OH DAY OF FIRE AND SUN OH YES, MY DEAR, OH YES Last Line: When flint struck stone OH YOU ARE COMING Poem Text First Line: Oh you are coming, coming, coming Last Line: My dear? Subject(s): Love OLD TUNES Poem Text First Line: As the waves of perfume, heliotrope, rose Last Line: Youth, or perfume or the moon's gold? ON A MARCH DAY Poem Text First Line: Here in the teeth of this triumphant wind Subject(s): Wind ON A MARCH DAY First Line: Here in the teeth of this triumphant wind Last Line: The last complete reunion with the earth Subject(s): Wind ON HELTON'S HILL (THE BERKSHIRES) First Line: There is no other hill Subject(s): Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts ON HELTON'S HILL (THE BERKSHIRES) First Line: There is no other hill Last Line: I am glad to live Subject(s): Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts ON THE DEATH OF SWINBURNE Poem Text First Line: He trod the earth but yesterday Last Line: Sappho's forgotten songs are falling on his ears. Subject(s): Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909) ON THE DUNES Poem Text First Line: If there is any life when death is over Last Line: Stand on the sun-swept dunes and call my name. Subject(s): Future Life; Retribution; Eternity; After Life ON THE SUSSEX DOWNS Poem Text First Line: Over the downs there were birds flying Last Line: It was myself that sang in me. Variant Title(s): On The South Downs ON THE TOWER; A PLAY IN ONE ACT Poem Text First Line: Oh do not climb so fast, for I am faint Last Line: Curtain. ON THE WIND Poem Text First Line: Joy goes by like a bird Last Line: When the game is done. Subject(s): Carpe Diem ONLY IN SLEEP Poem Text First Line: Only in sleep I see their faces Last Line: Care had not darkened nor pain defiled? OPEN WINDOWS Poem Text First Line: Out of the window a sea of green trees Last Line: Who speak with wonder face to face. Subject(s): Pain; Suffering; Misery OTHER MEN Poem Text First Line: When I talk with other men Last Line: Blows the dreams away. OVER THE ROOFS Poem Text First Line: Oh chimes set high on the sunny tower Last Line: "unless you set me free." OVERHEARD First Line: You are the only one Last Line: And fight is long PAIN Poem Text First Line: Waves are the sea's white daughters Last Line: But I must stay at home Subject(s): Pain; Suffering; Misery PARIS IN SPRING Poem Text First Line: The city's all a-shining Last Line: And spring-time's come again. Subject(s): Paris, France PEACE Poem Text First Line: Peace flows into me Last Line: Give me your stars to hold. PIERROT Poem Text First Line: Pierrot stands in the garden Last Line: But I love pierrot. PIERROT'S SONG Poem Text First Line: Lady, light in the east hangs low, Subject(s): Singing & Singers; Songs PIERROT'S SONG (FOR A PICTURE BY DUGALD WALKER) Poem Text First Line: Lady, light in the east hangs low Last Line: Another stanza for her sake!) PITY Poem Text First Line: They never saw my lover's face Last Line: Men who have never seen god's face. Subject(s): Love - Loss Of; Pity PLACES Poem Text First Line: Places I love come back to me like music Last Line: At midnight, in mid-ocean, hour on hour to me. PLACES 1. TWILIGHT (TUCSON) Poem Text First Line: Aloof as aged kings Last Line: "or a complete repose." Subject(s): Aging PLACES: 2. FULL MOON (SANTA BARBARA) Poem Text First Line: I listened, there was not a sound to hear Last Line: Tracing in crystal the slow way he came. Subject(s): Moon; Pacific Ocean; Santa Barbara, California PLACES: 3. WINTER SUN (LENOX) Poem Text First Line: There was a bush with scarlet berries Last Line: "at least we two have had to-day." PLACES: 4. EVENING (NAHANT) Poem Text First Line: There was an evening when the sky was clear Last Line: Misted with light the meadows of the sea. Variant Title(s): Twilight (nahant) Subject(s): Evening; Landscape; Nahant, Massachusetts; Sunset; Twilight PRIMAVERA MIA Poem Text First Line: As kings who see their life-day pass Last Line: And knew my sun and song and spring were you. RED MAPLES Poem Text First Line: In the last year I have learned Last Line: That is born out of agony? Subject(s): Maple Trees REDBIRDS Poem Text First Line: Redbirds, redbirds Last Line: On saxton's hill? Subject(s): Birds; Cardinals (birds) RETURN TO A COUNTRY HOUSE First Line: Nothing but darkness enters in this room Last Line: When the mind and not the heart holds sway RICHES Poem Text First Line: I have no riches but my thoughts Last Line: To gain their immortality. Subject(s): Thought; Thinking RISPETTO Poem Text First Line: Was that his step that sounded on the stair Last Line: But he will never knock nor enter more. ROUNDEL Poem Text First Line: If he could know my songs are all for him Last Line: If he could know. Subject(s): Love SAND DRIFT Poem Text First Line: I thought I should not walk these dunes again Last Line: Lost in the blowing sand, long, long ago. SAPPHO: 1 Poem Text First Line: Midnight, and in the darkness not a sound Last Line: As one grown tired who hopes to sleep, I go. Subject(s): Sappho (610-580 B.c.) SAPPHO: 2 Poem Text First Line: Oh litis, little slave, why will you sleep? Last Line: Love came to me, and cercolas was love. Subject(s): Sappho (610-580 B.c.) SAPPHO: 3 Poem Text First Line: The twilight's inner flame grows blue and deep Last Line: I sing for one who falls asleep to hear. Subject(s): Evening; Flowers; Kisses; Love; Sappho (610-580 B.c.); Sunset; Twilight SEA LONGING Poem Text First Line: A thousand miles beyond this sun-steeped wall Last Line: Less than the sea-gulls calling to the sea. Subject(s): Sea; Ocean SEA-SPRAY Poem Text First Line: You are the careless cliffs that shine Last Line: And then go out forevermore. Subject(s): Love SECRET TREASURE First Line: Fear not that my music seems Last Line: It will not live in written guise SEPTEMBER DAY (PONT DE NEUILLY) First Line: The seine flows out of the mist Last Line: And goes away in a dream SEPTEMBER NIGHT First Line: We walked in the dew, in the drowsy starlight Last Line: And behind us, the blackness of the sea SERVITORS Poem Text First Line: I shall not let a sorrow die Last Line: Equal servitors to me. Subject(s): Household Employees; Servants; Domestics; Maids SHADOWS Poem Text First Line: We saw our shadows walking before us Last Line: With the dark sea booming into the night. Subject(s): Shadows SHE WENT BEFORE THE NIGHT CAME DOWN Last Line: Except that simple thing, herself SHE WHO COULD BIND YOU Poem Text Last Line: With a low moon glowing Subject(s): Love – Nature Of SHIPS Poem Text First Line: One by one my dreams come true Last Line: Wandering and unfulfilled and free. Subject(s): Dreams; Nightmares SILENCE Poem Text First Line: We are anhungered after solitude Last Line: The silent music of infinity? Subject(s): Duse, Eleonora (1858-1924) SINCE DEATH BRUSHED PAST ME First Line: Since death brushed past me once more today Last Line: My words are said, my way is clear SINCE THERE IS NO ESCAPE Poem Text First Line: Since there is no escape, since at the end Last Line: If there is any way to baffle death Subject(s): Life; Mortality SINCE THERE IS NO ESCAPE, SINCE AT THE END SLEEPLESS Poem Text First Line: If I could have your arms tonight Last Line: As sleepless as the rain. SLEEPLESS NIGHT Poem Text First Line: They love me, and I have not made them happy Last Line: And life is short and we shall soon be gone. Subject(s): Mortality SNOW SONG Poem Text First Line: Fairy snow, fairy snow Last Line: On his lips that are warm. Subject(s): Snow SNOWFALL Poem Text First Line: She can't be unhappy, you said Last Line: Smothered in snow. Subject(s): Snow SO THIS WAS ALL First Line: So this was all there was to the great play Last Line: Roses that shattered round her, dripping red SONG Poem Text First Line: Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten Last Line: In a long forgotten snow. Subject(s): Love SONG (2) Poem Text First Line: When love comes singing to his heart Last Line: But oh, my heart will break. Subject(s): Love - Unrequited SONG MAKING Poem Text First Line: My heart cries like a beaten child Last Line: But no one thought it true! Subject(s): Religion; Theology SONGS IN A HOSPITAL SONGS OUT OF SORROW: LESSONS Poem Text First Line: Unless I learn to ask no help Last Line: Why was I ever given birth? Subject(s): Self; Knowledge; Conduct Of Life SONGS OUT OF SORROW: MASTERY Poem Text First Line: I would not have a god come in Last Line: In sole though feeble mastery Subject(s): Grief; Sorrow; Sadness SONGS OUT OF SORROW: REFUGE Poem Text First Line: From my spirit's gray defeat Last Line: My fragile immortality. Variant Title(s): Spirit's House Subject(s): Religion; Theology SONGS OUT OF SORROW: SPIRIT'S HOUSE Poem Text First Line: From naked stones of agony Last Line: On roads where I lost sight of god Subject(s): Grief; Religion; Sorrow; Sadness; Theology SONGS OUT OF SORROW: WISDOM Poem Text First Line: When I have ceased to break my wings Last Line: And taken in exchange my youth Subject(s): Grief; Sorrow; Sadness SONGS OUT OF SORROW: WOOD SONG Poem Text First Line: I heard a wood thrush in the dusk Last Line: And kissed it, scars and all Subject(s): Birds; Thrushes SONNET TO ELEONORA DUSE (1) Poem Text First Line: Oh beauty that is filled so full of tears Last Line: God loves its silence better than a prayer Subject(s): Duse, Eleonora (1858-1924) SONNET TO ELEONORA DUSE (2) Poem Text First Line: Your beauty lives in mystic melodies, Last Line: And with the orphean lay it trembles mute Subject(s): Duse, Eleonora (1858-1924) SOUL'S BIRTH Poem Text First Line: When you were born, beloved, was your soul Last Line: It heard god's voice that bade it down to earth. Subject(s): Soul SPONG (3) Poem Text First Line: Love me with your whole heart Last Line: And good-by to you Subject(s): Love - Nature Of SPRAY Poem Text First Line: I knew you thought of me all night Last Line: Drives inland through the night. Subject(s): Love SPRING Poem Text First Line: In central park the lovers sit Last Line: To lose your battle in the end? Subject(s): Central Park, New York City; Love SPRING IN WAR TIME Poem Text First Line: I feel the spring far off, far off Last Line: Gray death? Subject(s): Spring; Women; World War I; First World War SPRING NIGHT Poem Text Recitation First Line: The park is filled with night and fog Last Line: Why am I crying after love? Subject(s): New York City; Spring; Manhattan; New York, New York; The Big Apple SPRING RAIN Poem Text First Line: I thought I had forgotten Last Line: In a rush of rain. Subject(s): Rain SPRING SONG Poem Text First Line: I went up the avenue Last Line: "and keep spring away." Subject(s): Solitude; Spring; Loneliness SPRING TORRENTS Poem Text First Line: Will it always be like this until I am dead Last Line: And cannot answer at all. SPRING, 1918 Poem Text First Line: I never longed so hungrily for spring Last Line: Of gallant failures like gallipoli. Subject(s): Spring STAR MAP First Line: All of heaven in my hands STARS Poem Text First Line: Alone in the night Last Line: Of so much majesty Subject(s): Stars STARS First Line: Alone in the night Last Line: Of so much majesty STRANGE Poem Text First Line: Strange that we two, who love all quiet things Last Line: Locked in the grim fatality of war. Subject(s): World War I; First World War STRANGE VICTORY First Line: To this, to this, after my hope was lost Last Line: Lifted above the slain SUMMER NIGHT, RIVERSIDE Poem Text First Line: In the wild soft summer darkness Last Line: This year's blossoms, clinging in its coils? Subject(s): Love; Riverside Drive, New York City; Summer SUMMER STORM Poem Text First Line: The panther wind Last Line: The wrath of the rain! Subject(s): Storms SUNSET: ST. LOUIS Poem Text First Line: Hushed in the smoky haze of summer sunset Last Line: Resting in twilight. Subject(s): Evening; St. Louis, Missouri; Sunset; Twilight SWALLOW FLIGHT Poem Text First Line: I love my hour of wind and light Last Line: Like swallows under evening skies, Subject(s): Swallows SWANS Poem Text First Line: Night is over the park Last Line: We watch the swans and never a word is said. Subject(s): Birds; Swans TESTAMENT Poem Text First Line: I said, 'I will take my life' Last Line: "and suffer with my race." THE ANSWER Poem Text First Line: When I go back to earth Last Line: "than you could find in joy." THE BELOVED Poem Text First Line: It is enough of honor for one lifetime Last Line: Rich as the earth, and wide as heaven is wide. Subject(s): Love THE BLIND Poem Text First Line: The birds are all a-building Last Line: That his will never kiss. THE BROKEN FIELD Poem Text First Line: My soul is a dark ploughed field Last Line: With better grain. Subject(s): Soul THE CARPENTER'S SON Poem Text First Line: The summer dawn came over soon Last Line: Voices like these. Subject(s): Jesus Christ THE CLOUD Poem Text First Line: I am a cloud in the heaven's height Last Line: "whispering always, ""rest, rest." Subject(s): Clouds THE COIN Poem Text First Line: Into my heart's treasury Last Line: Of a lovely thing. THE CRYSTAL GAZER Poem Text First Line: I shall gather myself into myself again Last Line: In restless self-importance to and fro. Subject(s): Meditation THE DREAMS OF MY HEART Poem Text First Line: The dreams of my heart and my mind pass Last Line: Like the rain of yesterday. Variant Title(s): The Dark Cup: 2. THE FAERY FOREST Poem Text First Line: The faery forest glimmered Last Line: The cold white blossoms wept. Subject(s): Fairies; Elves THE FALLING STAR Poem Text First Line: I saw a star slide down the sky Last Line: And then forever to be gone. Subject(s): Stars THE FLIGHT Poem Text First Line: Look back with longing eyes and know that I will follow Last Line: But what if I heard my first love calling me once more? Subject(s): Birds; Death; Eagles; Togetherness; Dead, The THE FOUNTAIN (1) Poem Text First Line: All through the deep blue night Last Line: And the gleaming dew-drops fell. Subject(s): Gardens & Gardening THE FOUNTAIN (2) Poem Text First Line: On in the deep blue night Last Line: And the gleaming dew-drops fell. Subject(s): Fountains THE FOUNTAIN (3) Poem Text First Line: Fountain, fountain, why do you say Subject(s): Fountains THE GAME Poem Text First Line: My heart is crying without sound Last Line: As blood wells up in an open wound. THE GARDEN Poem Text First Line: My heart is a garden tired with autumn Last Line: After the stillness, will spring come again? Subject(s): Gardens & Gardening THE GHOST Poem Text First Line: I went back to the clanging city Last Line: But my eyes were suddenly afraid. Subject(s): Love THE GIFT Poem Text First Line: What can I give you, my lord, my lover Last Line: I have gone my way and left you free Subject(s): Love; Gifts & Giving; Fraewell THE GIVER Poem Text First Line: You bound strong sandals on my feet Last Line: My sun and stars are you. THE HOUR Poem Text First Line: Was it foreknown, was it foredoomed Last Line: Changeless and fixed as memnon carved in stone. THE HOUSE OF DREAMS Poem Text First Line: I built a little house of dreams Last Line: And passed it by. Subject(s): Dreams; Truth; Nightmares THE INDIA WHARF Poem Text First Line: Here in the velvet stillness Last Line: Of ivory and scarlet. Subject(s): New York Harbor; Sea Voyages THE INN OF EARTH Poem Text First Line: I came to the crowded inn of earth Last Line: And barred the outer door. THE KIND MOON Poem Text First Line: I think the moon is very kind Last Line: Tho' mother said I might. Subject(s): Moon THE KISS Poem Text First Line: I hoped that he would love me Last Line: As all the dreams I had. Subject(s): Kisses; Love THE KISS (2) Poem Text First Line: Before you kissed me only winds of heaven Last Line: Where a king stood before? Subject(s): Kisses THE LAMP Poem Text Recitation by Author First Line: If I can bear your love like a lamp before me Last Line: A lamp in darkness. Subject(s): Love THE LIGHTED WINDOW Poem Text First Line: He said: / 'in the winter dusk' Last Line: "I left my boyhood." Subject(s): Growth THE LIGHTS OF NEW YORK Poem Text First Line: The lightning spun your garment for the night Last Line: A fire that neither wind nor rain can dim. Subject(s): New York City; Manhattan; New York, New York; The Big Apple THE LONG HILL Poem Text First Line: I must have passed the crest a while ago Last Line: The rest of the way will be only going down. Subject(s): Mountains; Hills; Downs (great Britain) THE LOOK Poem Text First Line: Strephon kissed me in the spring Last Line: Haunts me night and day. Subject(s): Desire; Eyes; Flirtation; Kisses; Love; Man-woman Relationships; Sight; Vision; Male-female Relations THE METROPOLITAN TOWER Poem Text First Line: We walked together in the dusk Last Line: Was reckoned from that hour. Subject(s): Metropolitan Life Building, New York; Skyscrapers THE MOTHER OF A POET Poem Text First Line: She is too kind, I think, for mortal things THE MYSTERY Poem Text First Line: Your eyes drink of me Last Line: Or you know me? Subject(s): Love - Nature Of THE NET Poem Text First Line: I made you many and many a song, Last Line: Dark splendor of the sea Subject(s): Love - Unrequited THE NEW MOON Poem Text First Line: Day, you have bruised and beaten me Last Line: When a maiden moon wakes up in the sky? Subject(s): Moon THE NIGHTS REMEMBER Poem Text First Line: The days remember and the nights remember Last Line: And found his crown stolen and his throne decayed. THE OLD ENEMY Poem Text First Line: Rebellion against death, the old rebellion Last Line: Under the planet at the evening's end. Subject(s): Death; Religion; Dead, The; Theology THE OLD MAID Poem Text First Line: I saw her in a broadway car Last Line: The woman I shall never be. Subject(s): Spinsters; Old Maids THE PHILOSOPHER Poem Text First Line: I saw him sitting in his door Last Line: Till he was ninety-two. THE POOR-HOUSE Poem Text First Line: Hope went by and peace went by Last Line: "they can wait to die." Subject(s): Poverty THE PRAYER Poem Text First Line: My answered prayer came up to me Last Line: "and I had died for joy of you." Subject(s): Prayer THE PRINCESS IN THE TOWER Poem Text First Line: I am the princess up in the tower Last Line: I am the knight of the plume of blue. THE RETURN Poem Text First Line: I turned the key and opened wide the door Last Line: But kissed unheeding that I watched them there. THE RIVER Poem Text First Line: I came from the sunny valleys Last Line: Am bitter as the sea. Subject(s): Rivers THE ROSE Poem Text First Line: Beneath my chamber window Last Line: Beside a laughing boy. Subject(s): Courtship THE ROSE AND THE BEE Poem Text First Line: If I were a bee and you were a rose Last Line: "if you were a bee." Subject(s): Bees; Flowers; Insects; Roses; Beekeeping; Bugs THE SANCTUARY Poem Text First Line: If I could keep my innermost me Last Line: I could look even at god with grave forgiving eyes. THE SEA LOVER Poem Text First Line: I cannot be what the sea is Last Line: And changeful constancy. Subject(s): Sea; Ocean THE SEA WIND Poem Text First Line: I am a pool in a peaceful place Last Line: The far-off, terrible call of the sea? Subject(s): Sea; Ocean THE SEA-GRAVE Poem Text First Line: We buried her out in the open sea Last Line: For any storm to stir. Subject(s): Graves; Sea; Tombs; Tombstones; Ocean THE SHRINE Poem Text First Line: There is no lord within my heart Last Line: To find the god is there. THE SILENT BATTLE Poem Text First Line: He was a soldier in that fight Last Line: His enemy had turned his friend Subject(s): Death; Dead, The THE SOLITARY Poem Text First Line: My heart has grown rich with the passing of years Last Line: Who am self-complete as a flower or a stone. Subject(s): Solitude; Loneliness THE SONG FOR COLIN Poem Text First Line: I sang a song at dusking time Last Line: Beneath an apple tree. Subject(s): Love THE SONG MAKER Poem Text First Line: I made a hundred little songs Last Line: Am silent now. Subject(s): Singing & Singers THE STAR Poem Text First Line: A white star born in the evening glow Last Line: In a bit of floating cloud like lace. Subject(s): Stars THE STORM Poem Text First Line: I thought of you when I was wakened Last Line: You were the wind. Subject(s): Storms THE STRONG HOUSE Poem Text First Line: Our love is like a strong house Last Line: To try the locked door? THE TREASURE Poem Text First Line: When they see my song Last Line: Where the wind is cold Subject(s): Love THE TREE Poem Text First Line: Oh to be free of myself Last Line: Its thin black tracery. Subject(s): Serenity; Trees THE TREE OF SONG Poem Text First Line: I sang my songs for the rest Last Line: Myself to you. Subject(s): Singing & Singers THE UNCHANGING Poem Text First Line: Sun-swept beaches with a light wind blowing Last Line: The heart aches now as then Subject(s): Grief; Sorrow; Sadness THE UNSEEN Poem Text First Line: Death went up the hall Last Line: But he entered one Subject(s): Death; Dead, The THE VOICE Poem Text First Line: Atoms as old as stars Last Line: Fights with man against death Subject(s): Evolution THE WANDERER Poem Text First Line: I saw the sunset colored sands Last Line: And lay a kiss upon my mouth. THE WAVE Poem Text First Line: I stood on the shore of the world Last Line: Vanished into the air. Subject(s): Love - Nature Of; Waves THE WAYFARER Poem Text First Line: Love entered in my heart one day Last Line: That he may come again. Subject(s): Love THE WIND (1) Poem Text First Line: A wind is blowing over my soul Last Line: Even with you. Subject(s): Wind THE WIND (2) Poem Text First Line: A tall tree talking with the wind Last Line: Free as the wind. Subject(s): Wind THE WIND IN THE HEMLOCK Poem Text First Line: Steely stars and moon of brass, Last Line: Rich as my lost eternity Subject(s): Hemlocks; Conduct Of Life THE WINE Poem Text First Line: I cannot die, who drank delight Last Line: Of immortality? Variant Title(s): The Cup Subject(s): Immortality THE WISE WOMAN Poem Text First Line: She must be rich who can forego Last Line: A thing that time so often steals. Subject(s): Women THE YEARS Poem Text First Line: To-night I close my eyes and see Last Line: That strove to sing with voices drowned in tears. THERE WILL BE REST First Line: There will be rest, and sure stars shining Last Line: Stars I shall find THERE WILL BE STARS Poem Text First Line: There will be stars over the place forever Last Line: There will be stars forever, while we sleep. Subject(s): Love; Love - Nature Of; Stars THERE WILL COME SOFT RAINS' Poem Text Recitation First Line: There will come soft rain and the smell of the ground Last Line: Would scarcely know that we were gone. Subject(s): Spring; War - Home Front; Women; World War I; First World War THIS HAND First Line: Must I watch this hand grow old Last Line: And watch it while it goes THOSE WHO LOVE Poem Text First Line: Those who love the most Last Line: A light would pass over her face. Subject(s): Love - Nature Of THOUGHTS (1) Poem Text First Line: When I can make my thoughts come forth Last Line: So much more lovely than the rest? Subject(s): Thought; Thinking THOUGHTS (2) Poem Text First Line: When I am all alone Last Line: Than women and men. Subject(s): Thought; Thinking TIDES Poem Text First Line: Love in my heart was a fresh tide flowing Last Line: Are broken forevermore. Subject(s): Tides TO A CASTILIAN SONG Poem Text First Line: We held the book together timidly Last Line: And not a breath divides my love from me! Subject(s): Love; Music & Musicians TO A CHILD WATCHING THE GULLS (QUEENSTOWN HARBOR) First Line: The painted light was on their underwings Last Line: Remember them for the indifferent dead TO A LOOSE WOMAN First Line: My dear, your face is lovely Last Line: And you have dared to call it passion TO A SEA GULL IN THE CITY First Line: On level and illumined wings, high over Last Line: Have blessed the eyes that lift to watch your flight Subject(s): Birds; Gulls TO AN AEOLIAN HARP Poem Text First Line: The winds have grown articulate in thee Last Line: Thy strings no rest from weariless wild hands. Subject(s): Harps; Musical Instruments; Lyres TO CLEIS Poem Text First Line: When the dusk was wet with dew Last Line: Like a windless tideless sea. TO DICK, ON HIS SIXTH BIRTHDAY Poem Text First Line: Tho' I am very old and wise Last Line: The angel sent the stars to you. Subject(s): Birthdays; Old Age; Youth TO E. IN SWITZERLAND Poem Text First Line: I like to think of you among still mountains Last Line: Life, its vast trifles and yourself and me. TO ERINNA Poem Text First Line: Was time not harsh to you, or was he kind Last Line: "deep in a forest at the break of day""?" Subject(s): Erinna (4th Century B.c.) TO M First Line: Till the last sleep, from the blind waking at birth Last Line: I shall go, in some sort, a victor, down to my rest TO ONE AWAY Poem Text First Line: I heard a cry in the night Last Line: I know, I know! Subject(s): Absence; Love; Separation; Isolation TO ROSE Poem Text First Line: Rose, when I remember you Last Line: "very, very much like rose." TO THE SEA First Line: Bitter and beautiful, sing no more Last Line: I cannot face the unchanging sea TO-NIGHT Poem Text First Line: The moon is a curving flower of gold Last Line: To-night for us. TRIOLET: 1 Poem Text First Line: Love looked back as he took his flight Last Line: And lo, his eyes were filled with tears. TRIOLET: 2 Poem Text First Line: If you were lady beatrice Last Line: And I the florentine. Subject(s): Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) TRIOLET: 3 Poem Text First Line: Beyond the dim hesperides Last Line: The girl who sang them long ago? Subject(s): Sappho (610-580 B.c.) TRIOLET: 4 Poem Text First Line: Dead leaves upon the stream Last Line: And dead leaves on the air. TRIOLETS: 1 Poem Text First Line: Love looked back as he took his flight Subject(s): Love - Loss Of TRIOLETS: 4 Poem Text First Line: Dead leaves upon the stream Subject(s): Leaves TRIOLETS: 5 Poem Text First Line: Before a lonely shrine Last Line: Was heard of aphrodite Subject(s): Prayer TRIOLETS: 6 Poem Text First Line: I sang of answered prayer, Last Line: There waits some lonelier goddess Subject(s): Prayer TRUCE First Line: Take heart, for now the battle is half over Last Line: Than luminous air, on which the crescent glows TUNE First Line: I know a certain tune that my life plays Last Line: And faltering blindly down the air, goes out TWILIGHT Poem Text First Line: Dreamily over the roofs Last Line: Is calling, calling, calling. Subject(s): Evening; Sunset; Twilight TWILIGHT (2) Poem Text First Line: The stately tragedy of dusk Last Line: Sank, and the red moon rose. Subject(s): Evening; Sunset; Twilight TWO MINDS First Line: Your mind and mine are such great lovers they Last Line: That changes not for winter or the night TWO SONGS FOR A CHILD UNCHANGING First Line: Sun-swept beaches with a light wind blowing Last Line: The heart aches now as then UNCHANGING First Line: Sun-swept beaches with a light wind blowing UNDERSTANDING Poem Text First Line: I understood the rest too well Last Line: Ages ago in waters cold. UNION SQUARE Poem Text First Line: With the man I love who loves me not Last Line: In the lights of union square. Subject(s): Love - Unrequited; Union Square, New York City VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 1. OFF GIBRALTAR Poem Text First Line: Beyond the sleepy hills of spain Last Line: For me a delicate despair. Subject(s): Gibraltar VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 10. STRESA Poem Text First Line: The moon grows out of the hills Last Line: From shore to shore. Subject(s): Labor Unions; Strikes; Labor Disputes; Lockouts VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 11. HAMBURG Poem Text First Line: The day that I come home Last Line: Beating under the foam. Subject(s): Hamburg, Germany; Homecoming VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 2. OFF ALGIERS Poem Text First Line: Oh give me neither love nor tears Last Line: Like sudden sunlight on the sea. Subject(s): Algiers; Sea Voyages VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 3. NAPLES Poem Text First Line: Nisida and prosida are laughing in the light Last Line: Oh when god made italy he was gay and young! Subject(s): Naples, Italy VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 4. CAPRI Poem Text First Line: When beauty grows too great to bear Last Line: Could give me rest. Subject(s): Capri, Italy VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 5. NIGHT SONG AT AMALFI Poem Text First Line: I asked the heaven of stars Last Line: My whole life long? Subject(s): Amalfi, Italy; Silence VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 6. RUINS OF PAESTUM Poem Text First Line: On lowlands where the temples lie Last Line: The swift brown birds by day. Subject(s): Paestum, Italy; Ruins VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 7. ROME Poem Text First Line: Oh for the rising moon Last Line: With unremembered things? Subject(s): Rome, Italy VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 8. FLORENCE Poem Text First Line: The bells ring over the arno Last Line: He gives eternity. Subject(s): Florence, Italy VIGNETTES OVERSEAS: 9. VILLA SEBELLONI, BELLAGGIO Poem Text First Line: The fountain shivers lightly in the rain Last Line: Change to a laurel in the glancing shower. Subject(s): Italy; Italians VOICE First Line: Atoms as old as stars Subject(s): Evolution VOX CORPORIS Poem Text First Line: The beast to the beast is calling Last Line: He will not let them meet. WATER LILIES Poem Text First Line: If you have forgotten water lilies floating Last Line: And the shadow of mountains will not fall on your heart. Subject(s): Flowers; Lilies WEARINESS Poem Text First Line: Oh let me be alone, far from eyes and faces Last Line: Waiting the merciful night, the stately stars and the dew. Subject(s): Weariness; Fatigue WHAT DO I CARE Poem Text First Line: What do I care, in the dreams and the languor of spring Last Line: It is my heart that makes my songs, not I. Subject(s): Love WHEN I AM NOT WITH YOU Poem Text Last Line: To comfort me but you Subject(s): Love WHEN LOVE GOES Poem Text First Line: O mother, I am sick of love Last Line: "he hid them all from thee." Subject(s): Love - Complaints WHEN LOVE WAS BORN Poem Text First Line: When love was born I think he lay Last Line: Erelong, erelong. Subject(s): Love - Beginnings WHILE I MAY Poem Text First Line: Wind and hail and veering rain Last Line: Even pain denied to me. WHITE FOG Poem Text First Line: Heaven-invading hills are drowned Last Line: Myself remains to comfort me. WILD ASTERS Poem Text First Line: In the spring I asked the daisies Last Line: Not one knows. Subject(s): Asters; Daisies; Flowers WIND IN THE HEMLOCK First Line: Steely stars and moon of brass Last Line: Rich as my lost eternity WINTER Poem Text First Line: I shall have winter now and lessening days Last Line: And make my life of what I can remember. Subject(s): Winter WINTER DUSK Poem Text First Line: I watch the great clear twilight Last Line: And thank her that I was born Subject(s): War; Mothers WINTER NIGHT SONG Poem Text First Line: Will you come as of old with singing Last Line: Snow banking the door. Subject(s): Winter WINTER STARS Poem Text First Line: I went out at night alone Last Line: The faithful beauty of the stars. Subject(s): Stars; Winter WISDOM (1) Poem Text First Line: It was a night of early spring Last Line: It is the things we have that go. Subject(s): Wisdom WISDOM (2) First Line: Oh to relinquish, with no more of sound Last Line: Or silence, level, spacious, without end WORDS FOR AN OLD AIR Poem Text First Line: Your heart is bound tightly Last Line: For beauty's self to break. WRAITHS Poem Text First Line: Up the wide wind-swept avenue Last Line: A wraith, the girl I used to be. WRECKAGE Poem Text First Line: Love me less or more Last Line: On the ocean's floor. YOUNG LOVE Poem Text First Line: I cannot heed the words they say Last Line: I dwell. Subject(s): Love YOUR FACE IS BEAUTIFUL BEYOND ALL OTHER FACES Last Line: More to me now than anything I know YOUTH AND THE PILGRIM Poem Text First Line: Gray pilgrim, you have journeyed far Last Line: "and you will reach the land." |