Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Searching... Author: doolittle, hilda Matches Found: 367 Doolittle, Hilda Poet's Biography Alternate Author Name(s): H. D.; Aldington, Richard, Mrs. 367 poems available by this author ACON Poem Text First Line: Bear me to dictaeus Last Line: And frail-headed poppies. Subject(s): Bible ADONIS Poem Text First Line: Each of us like you Last Line: Fit to be worshiped. Subject(s): Bible AMARANTH Poem Text First Line: Am I blind alas Last Line: Save in her presence. Subject(s): Bible AND TURN, FR. MYRTLE BOUGH Subject(s): Bible ANTIPATER OF SIDON First Line: Where, corinth, charm incarnate, are your Subject(s): Bible; Science ANTISTROPHE First Line: ...Flowers fall, unreasonable, out of space and counter point of Last Line: Fragrance, dripped, ripped, sputtered, spread or split! AT BAIA Poem Text First Line: I should have thought Last Line: No touch, but forever and ever this. Subject(s): Bible AT ELEUSIS First Line: What they did Subject(s): Bible AT ITHACA First Line: Over and back Subject(s): Bible BIRDS IN SNOW First Line: See, %how they trace Last Line: In egypt of her dead Subject(s): Bible BRING FLUTED ASPHODEL, FR. SONGS FROM CYPRUS Subject(s): Bible CALYPSO: 1 First Line: Clumsy futility, drown yourself Last Line: What did he say? %o you gods-o you gods- %he shall never getaway Subject(s): Bible CALYPSO: 2 First Line: O you clouds Last Line: She gave me a wooden flute, %and a mantle, %she wove of thiswool- %-for man is a brute and a fool Subject(s): Bible; Homer (10th Century B.c.); Man-woman Relationships; Poetry And Poets; Women's Rights CASSANDRA Poem Text First Line: O hymen king, / lord, greatest, power, might; Last Line: O hymen lord, be kind. Subject(s): Bible; Cassandra (mythology) CENTAUR SONG First Line: Now that the day is done Last Line: And zeus, forgetful not of danae or maia, %bid the stars shine forever Subject(s): Bible; Centaurs CHANCE MEETING First Line: Take from me something Subject(s): Bible CITIES Poem Text First Line: Can we believe - by an effort Last Line: Await the new beauty of cities? Subject(s): Bible; Cities; Urban Life CUCKOO SONG Poem Text First Line: Ah, bird Last Line: When all her hope was dead. Subject(s): Bible; Birds; Cuckoos DANCER: 1 First Line: I came far Last Line: I worship nature, %you are nature Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 10 First Line: Rhodocleia Last Line: Only singing fools and deft %trees %might speak %his prophecies Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 11 First Line: Rhododendron Last Line: Swear to me, %by his mountain, %by his stream, %none shall mar %the pythian dream Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 12 First Line: We will build an altar here Last Line: Singing to the priests, on high %build the altar %let life die, %but his song shall never die Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 13 First Line: Leap as sea-fish Last Line: Strung to bear immortal peril, %(pleasure such as gods may feel) %bid men feel %as we feel Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 2 First Line: I worship art Last Line: Slurring no word %in the rhythm you make, %the poem, %writ in the air Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 3 First Line: Fair Last Line: Miracle of beauty returned to us, %the sun %born in a woman Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 4 First Line: We are more than human Last Line: Like under-current of sap in a flowering tree, %covered with late snow; %we are more than we know Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 5 First Line: Give us the strength to follow Last Line: Now in a frail robe, you are a white butterfly; %burning with white fervour, %you are moon-flower, % Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 6 First Line: You are every flower Last Line: You will never die; %nor this one, %whom you see not, %sitting, sullen and silent, %this poet Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 7 First Line: O let us never meet, my love Last Line: Let us retain integrity, %intensity, %taut as the bow, %the pythian strings %to slay sorrow Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 8 First Line: There is much to know Last Line: Infinite leisure %to proclaim %harmony, %our master Subject(s): Bible DANCER: 9 First Line: So haste not Last Line: Stare with me %into the face of death, %and say, %love is stronger Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 1 First Line: I was not pure Last Line: Then they may read %the pattern %though you may not, %I, being dead Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 2 First Line: I laughed not overmuch Last Line: Ah she is modest, she is purposeful, %and nominated for the herald's place, %one %delia of miletus Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 3 First Line: I walked sedately at the head of things Last Line: Nor poor nor rich, %nor entered into strife, %when the new archon spoke of a new war Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 4 First Line: Ah, there was fire Last Line: That will stay %the after-ravages of the plague %they brought here from abydos Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 5 First Line: Honour came to me Last Line: Delia, %the high-priestess %here, lies dead Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 6 First Line: Would they have given me that simple white Last Line: O late %my love, %my bride, %delia of miletus Subject(s): Bible DEAD PRIESTESS SPEAKS: 7 First Line: They carved upon the stone Last Line: In this or that %sharp crescent-light; %or the full light %of moon Subject(s): Bible EGYPT Poem Text First Line: Egypt had cheated us Last Line: Hellas re-born from death. Subject(s): Bible; Egypt ELEGY AND CHOROS First Line: Electra: no one knows %the heart of a child Last Line: Woe, woe for those who spent %live-blood %in hate Subject(s): Bible ENVY: 1 Poem Text First Line: I envy you your chance of death Last Line: That you have not? Variant Title(s): Fragment Sixty-eight Subject(s): Bible; Envy ENVY: 2 Poem Text First Line: What can death send me Last Line: As you bent? Subject(s): Bible; Death; Dead, The ENVY: 3 Poem Text First Line: Could I have known Last Line: Was unspeakably indifferent. Subject(s): Bible ENVY: 4 Poem Text First Line: So the goddess has slain me Last Line: Your chance of death. Subject(s): Bible; Death; Dead, The EPITAPH First Line: So I may say Last Line: Greek flower; greek ecstasy %reclaims for ever %one who died %following %intricate songs' lost measu Subject(s): Bible EPODE First Line: ...Voiceless, without a voice, seeking areas of consciousness with Last Line: ...Seeping into wine-vats, creeping under closed doors, lying beside %me ERIGE COR TUUM AD ME IN CAEULUM (SEPTEMBER 1940) First Line: Lift up your eyes on high Last Line: Is the flower %magicians bartered for Subject(s): Bible; World War Ii EROS: 1 Poem Text First Line: Where is he taking us Last Line: Now that he has turned back? Subject(s): Bible; Love EROS: 2 Poem Text First Line: My mouth is wet with your life Last Line: Vivid through the white. Subject(s): Bible; Love EROS: 3 Poem Text First Line: Keep love and he wings Last Line: Love entered us. Variant Title(s): Fragment Forty-one: 1 Subject(s): Bible; Love EROS: 4 Poem Text First Line: Could eros be kept Last Line: That he left us. Variant Title(s): Fragment Forty-two: 2 Subject(s): Bible; Unfaithfulness; Infidelity; Adultery; Inconstancy EROS: 5 Poem Text First Line: Ah love is bitter and sweet Last Line: Bitter as ash? Variant Title(s): Fragment Forty-three: 3 Subject(s): Bible; Unfaithfulness; Infidelity; Adultery; Inconstancy EROS: 6 Poem Text First Line: I had thought myself frail Last Line: Then the day broke. Variant Title(s): Fragment Forty-four: 4 Subject(s): Bible; Unfaithfulness; Infidelity; Adultery; Inconstancy EROS: 7 Poem Text First Line: What need of a lamp Last Line: Love must first shatter us. Variant Title(s): Fragment Forty-five: 5 Subject(s): Bible; Love - Nature Of EURYDICE Poem Text First Line: So you have swept me back Last Line: For the dead to pass. Subject(s): Bible; Eurydice (nymph) EVADNE Poem Text First Line: I first tasted under apollo's lips Last Line: That great arm-full of yellow flowers. Subject(s): Bible; Love EVENING Poem Text First Line: The light passes Last Line: And leaf-shadow are lost. Subject(s): Bible; Evening; Sunset; Twilight FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 1 First Line: O the beautiful garment Last Line: Now having given all, let us leave all; %above all, let us leave pity %and mount higher %to love-res Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 10 First Line: It is no madness to say Last Line: It is heal-all, %everlasting; %it is the greatest among herbs %and becometh a tree Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 11 First Line: He was the first that flew Last Line: To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 12 First Line: So the first - it is written Last Line: Stamped with image of caesar Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 13 First Line: In any case, she struck an uncanny bargain Last Line: Out of the door Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 14 First Line: It was easy to see that he was not an ordinary %merchant Last Line: No secret was safe with a woman Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 15 First Line: She said, I have heard of you Last Line: Unveiled, in the house of a stranger Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 16 First Line: I am mary, she said, of a tower-town Last Line: Bitterly...Bitterly Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 17 First Line: But her voice was steady and her eyes were dry Last Line: Or a mirage...It was her hair Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 18 First Line: He who was unquestionably Last Line: Appear at all Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 19 First Line: I am mary, the incense-flower of the incense-tree Last Line: And turned to unfasten the door Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 2 First Line: I go where I love and where I am loved Last Line: The-place-of-a-skull %to those who have fashioned it Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 20 First Line: Some say she slipped out and got away Last Line: Some say he was god Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 21 First Line: Anyhow, it is exactly written Last Line: Of her extraordinary hair Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 22 First Line: But simon the host thought Last Line: I do not know her Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 23 First Line: There was always a crowd hanging about outside Last Line: Who and what manner of woman this is Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 24 First Line: Simon did not know but balthasar Last Line: In a little over two thousand years Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 25 First Line: Simon could say, yes Last Line: In a star Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 26 First Line: But it is not fair to compare Last Line: And balthasar Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 27 First Line: And kaspar (for of course, the merchant was kaspar Last Line: Kaspar %remembered Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 28 First Line: And kaspar heard Last Line: With his ecstasy Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 29 First Line: It was not solely because of beauty Last Line: But in the end, kaspar, too, received the title magian Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 3 First Line: In resurrection, there is confusion Last Line: We know ultimately we will find %happiness; to-day shalt thou be %with me in paradise Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 30 First Line: As he stooped for the scarf, he saw this Last Line: Opened like a flower Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 31 First Line: And the flower, thus contained Last Line: His and our earth, before adam Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 32 First Line: And he saw it all as if enlarged under a sun-glass Last Line: Paradise %before eve Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 33 First Line: And he heard, as it were, the echo Last Line: Demons cast out of her Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 34 First Line: Then as he dropped his arm Last Line: Appear at all Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 35 First Line: What he thought was the direct contradiction Last Line: The feasting, the laughter Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 36 First Line: And the snow fell on hermon Last Line: Silently...Silently Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 37 First Line: And as the snow fell on hebron Last Line: It would happen again Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 38 First Line: And kaspar grieved as always Last Line: That kaspar %was abraham Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 39 First Line: He was a very kind man Last Line: Or a mariner's map Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 4 First Line: Blue-geese, white-geese, you may say Last Line: As I stand, still unsatisfied, %under the long shadow-on-snow of the pine Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 40 First Line: And no one will ever know Last Line: Least of all kaspar Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 41 First Line: No one will know exactly how it came about Last Line: Now your great-grandfather is dead Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 42 First Line: It was only a thought Last Line: For the others had bowed low Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 43 First Line: But she spoke so he looked at her Last Line: She held in her arms Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 5 First Line: Satisfied, unsatisfied Last Line: For they fall exhausted, numb, blind %but in certain ecstasy, %for theirs is the hunger %for paradis Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 6 First Line: So I would rather drown, remembering Last Line: That knows the islands of the blest are there, %for many waters can not quench love's fire Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 7 First Line: Yet resurrection is a sense of direction Last Line: Resurrection is remuneration, %food, shelter, fragrance %of myrrh and balm Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 8 First Line: I am so happy Last Line: I have gone onward from bronze and iron, %into the golden age Subject(s): Bible FLOWERING OF THE ROD: 9 First Line: No poetic phantasy Last Line: Deny me, do not recognise me, %shun me; for this reality %isinfectious-ecstasy Subject(s): Bible FOR I MUST FIND, FR MYRTLE BOUGH Subject(s): Bible FOR YOU ARE ARMED Subject(s): Bible FOR YOU ARE GRAVED INDELIBLY, FR MYRTLE BOUGH Subject(s): Bible FRAGMENT 113 Poem Text First Line: Not honey / not the plunder of the bee Last Line: And fiery tempered steel. Subject(s): Bible; Self FRAGMENT THIRTY-SIX Poem Text First Line: I know not what to do Last Line: And I lie listening awake? Subject(s): Bible GARDEN: 1 Poem Text First Line: You are clear Last Line: I could break you. Subject(s): Bible; Gardens & Gardening GARDEN: 2 Poem Text First Line: O wind, rend open the heat Last Line: Of your path. Variant Title(s): Heat Subject(s): Bible; Gardens & Gardening; Heat GOOD FREND: 6 First Line: Time has an end, they say Last Line: To the herb, %rosemary Subject(s): Bible HALCYON, SELS. Subject(s): Bible HELEN Poem Text First Line: All greece hates / the still eyes in the white face Last Line: White ash amid funereal cypresses. Subject(s): Bible; Hate; Helen Of Troy; Mythology - Classical HELEN IN EGYPT, SELS. Subject(s): Bible HELIODORA Poem Text First Line: He and I sought together Last Line: "is a lily kissed." Subject(s): Bible; Man-woman Relationships; Meleager (100 B.c.); Women's Rights; Male-female Relations; Feminism HELIOS Poem Text First Line: Helios makes all things right Last Line: Scent of hesperidean orange-spray. Subject(s): Bible HERMES OF THE WAYS Poem Text First Line: The hard sand breaks Last Line: Shore-grass. Subject(s): Bible; Sea; Ocean HIPPOLYTUS TEMPORIZES Poem Text First Line: I worship the greatest first Last Line: Of veins, purple as violets?) Subject(s): Bible HOLY SATYR Poem Text First Line: Most holy satyr Last Line: Answering note for note. Subject(s): Bible; Flowers; Gifts & Giving; Goats HUNTRESS Poem Text First Line: Come, blunt your spear with us Last Line: And drop exhausted at our feet. Subject(s): Bible; Hunting; Hunters HYMEN Poem Text First Line: From the closed garden Last Line: (ah, love is come indeed!) HYMN TO ARTEMIS: ALL MOUNTAINS Poem Text First Line: Give me all mountains Last Line: And the towering mountain trees. Subject(s): Bible; Mountains; Hills; Downs (great Britain) ION: 19 First Line: Flee not Last Line: But you evil %doubter, %you shall be %desolate Subject(s): Bible LAIS Poem Text First Line: Let her who walks in paphos Last Line: Wishing to see that face and finding this. Subject(s): Bible; Man-woman Relationships; Plato (428-348 B.c.); Women's Rights; Male-female Relations; Feminism LEDA Poem Text First Line: Where the slow river Last Line: Of the red swan's breast. Subject(s): Bible; Birds; Leda; Mythology - Classical; Swans LET ZEUS RECORD: 1 First Line: I say, I am quite done Last Line: Like splendour keeps %peril at bay, %facing inviolate dawn Subject(s): Bible LET ZEUS RECORD: 2 First Line: Men cannot mar you Last Line: Stares out deliberate %into cerberus-night Subject(s): Bible LET ZEUS RECORD: 3 First Line: Sometimes I chide the manner of your dress Last Line: To show where hyacinth or pan have been Subject(s): Bible LET ZEUS RECORD: 4 First Line: When blight lay and the persian like a scar Last Line: Blown inland through darkness and withering rain Subject(s): Bible LET ZEUS RECORD: 5 First Line: Would you prefer myrrh-flower or cyclamen? Last Line: Stood by her; when the dark perifidious host %turned, it was er with death Subject(s): Bible LET ZEUS RECORD: 6 First Line: Stars wheel in purple, yours is not so rare Last Line: To freighted ships, baffled in wind and blast Variant Title(s): North Sta Subject(s): Bible; Stars LET ZEUS RECORD: 7 First Line: None watched with me Last Line: Let zeus record this, %daring death to mar Subject(s): Bible LETHE Poem Text First Line: Nor skin nor hide nor fleece Last Line: Without kiss. Subject(s): Bible LEUCADIAM ARTEMIS Poem Text First Line: I heard the intolerable rhythm Last Line: And the luminous trees. Subject(s): Arcadians; Artemis; Bible; Mythology - Classical; Trees; Arcadia LOSS Poem Text First Line: The sea called / you faced the estuary Last Line: The gods wanted you back. Subject(s): Bible; Sea; Ocean MAGICIAN: 1 First Line: There is no man can take Last Line: Would be the first to scrap %the old trophies %for new Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 2 First Line: We have crawled back into the womb Last Line: Too long have we slain, %too long have we wept Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 3 First Line: What is fire upon rain? Last Line: Your cloak hides the sinner, %your cloak shields the lover, %colour of wine, %cyclamen, %red rhodode Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 4 First Line: Salt, salt the kiss Last Line: Too long, too long, %have we propitiated the terror in the sea, %forgotten its beauty Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 5 First Line: I instil rest Last Line: He said, %consider the flower of the field; %did he specify %blue or red? Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 6 First Line: Too long we prayed Last Line: We never heard the magician %we never, never heard what he said Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 7 First Line: We expected some gesture Last Line: Dead were our ears %that heard not, yet heard Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 8 First Line: A basket Last Line: And one broke %a fine box %of cyprian ivory, %(or alabaster)%a rare scent Subject(s): Bible MAGICIAN: 9 First Line: He liked jewels Last Line: He would tell of the whorl of whorl of light %that was infinity to be seen in glass, %or a shell %or Subject(s): Bible MASTER: 1 First Line: He was very beautiful Last Line: For no one but you could devise %anything suitable %for him,%so beautiful Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MASTER: 10 First Line: But one does not forget him Last Line: One does not forgive him %who makes god-in-all %possible, %for that is unbearable Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MASTER: 11 First Line: Now can I bear even god Last Line: This thought of the man-pulse has tricked them, %has weakened them, %shall see woman, %perfect Subject(s): Bible; Women's Rights MASTER: 12 First Line: And they did Last Line: You are near beauty the sun, %you are that lord become woman Subject(s): Bible; Women's Rights MASTER: 2 First Line: I don't know what to suggest Last Line: Alone knew why %and understood %and told the old man %to explain %the impossible, %which he did Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MASTER: 3 First Line: What can god give the old man Last Line: And the whole made a rhythm %in the air, %till now unguessedat, %unknown Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MASTER: 4 First Line: I was angry at the old man Last Line: I could not accept from wisdom %what love taught, %woman is perfect Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MASTER: 5 First Line: She is a woman Last Line: Is that dart and pulse of the male, %hands, feet, thighs, %herself perfect Subject(s): Bible; Women's Rights MASTER: 6 First Line: Let the old man lie in the earth Last Line: Who will bring a new world to birth) %it is he, %it is he %who already has formed a new earth Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MASTER: 7 First Line: He will trouble the thoughts of men Last Line: Only I, %I will escape Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939); Psychoanalysis MASTER: 8 First Line: And it was he himself, he who set me free Last Line: He was rather casual, %'we won't argue about that' %(he said) %'you are a poet.' Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939); Poetry And Poets; Self MASTER: 9 First Line: So I went forth Last Line: I can not love him %he is too near %too precious to god Subject(s): Bible; Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) MEN CANNOT MAR YOU, FR. LET ZEUS RECORD Subject(s): Bible MID-DAY Poem Text First Line: The light beats upon me Last Line: Among the crevices of the rocks. Subject(s): Bible MOONRISE Poem Text First Line: Will you glimmer on the sea? Last Line: We measure her by the pine trees. Subject(s): Bible MORPHEUS, SELS. Subject(s): Bible MYRTLE BOUGH, SELS. First Line: Your hands %make pallas wonder Subject(s): Bible MYSTERIES First Line: Dark Last Line: I keep the law, %I hold the mysteries true, %I am the vine, %the branches, you %and you Subject(s): Bible MYSTERIES First Line: Dark %days are past Last Line: The branches, you %and you.' Subject(s): Bible NEVER MORE WILL THE WIND Last Line: Like a light out of our heart, %you are gone Subject(s): Love NIGHT Poem Text First Line: The night has cut Last Line: To perish on the branch. Subject(s): Bible; Night; Bedtime NOSSIS First Line: I thought to hear him speak Last Line: Nossis, he cried, a flame Subject(s): Bible; Man-woman Relationships; Meleager (100 B.c.); Women's Rights ORCHARD Poem Text First Line: I saw the first pear Last Line: I bring you as offering. Variant Title(s): Keeper Of The Orchards;priapus Subject(s): Bible; Orchards OREAD Poem Text First Line: Whirl up, sea Last Line: Cover us with your pools of fir. Subject(s): Bible; Nymphs ORION DEAD First Line: (artemis speaks) Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 1 First Line: Do not despair, the hosts Last Line: The old enchantment holds, %here there is peace %for helena,helen hated of all greece Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 2 First Line: The potion is not poison Last Line: So they fought, forgetting women, %hero to hero, sworn brother and lover, %and cursing helen through Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 3 First Line: Alas, my brothers Last Line: Though the wounded heel treads lightly %and more lightly follow, %the purple sandals Variant Title(s): Helen In Egypt: 1, Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 4 First Line: How did we know each other? Last Line: As if I, helen, had withdrawn %from the bruised and swollen flesh, %the arrow from its wound Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 5 First Line: This was the token, his mortality Last Line: As the new mortal, %shedding his glory, %limped slowly across the sand Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 6 First Line: How did we greet each other? Last Line: Let him forget, %amen, all-father, %let him forget Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 7 First Line: We huddled over the fire Last Line: Knew not helen of troy, %knew not helena, hated of greece Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK ONE: 8 First Line: How could I hide my eyes? Last Line: O thetis, o sea-mother, I prayed under his cloak, %let me remember, let me remember, %forever, this Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK TWO: 1 First Line: Perhaps he was right Last Line: Still, he had lost %and they had lost- %the war-lords of greece Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK TWO: 2 First Line: It is the burning ember Last Line: I would study and decipher %the indecipherable amen-script Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK TWO: 3 First Line: I said, I was instructed in the writ Last Line: That ember, I became %what his accusation made me, %isis, forever with that child, %the hawk horus Subject(s): Bible PALINODE: BOOK TWO: 4 First Line: This is the spread of wings Last Line: The thousand feathered darts %that sped them home, %mine, the one dart in the achilles-heel, %the th Subject(s): Bible PEAR TREE Poem Text First Line: Silver dust Last Line: In their purple hearts. Subject(s): Bible; Pear Trees; Trees; Pears PHAEDRA REBUKES HIPPOLYTA Poem Text First Line: Swift and a broken rock Last Line: Toward the shadow-side of the rocks. Subject(s): Bible PHAEDRA REMEMBERS CRETE Poem Text First Line: Think, o my soul Last Line: Waste and drift of the cold rain. Subject(s): Bible; Crete POET: 1 First Line: There were sea-horses and mer-men Last Line: Your song is the wail %of something intangible %that I almost %but not-quite feel Subject(s): Bible POET: 2 First Line: But you are my brother Last Line: You are true %to your self, being true %to the irony %of your shell Subject(s): Bible POET: 3 First Line: Yes Last Line: A butterfly has antennae, %is moral %and ironical too Subject(s): Bible POET: 4 First Line: And your shell is a temple Last Line: Everyone has heard of the small coptic temple, %but who knows you, %who dwell there? Subject(s): Bible POET: 5 First Line: No Last Line: He couldn't live alone in the desert, %without vision to comfort him, %there must be voices somewher Subject(s): Bible POET: 6 First Line: I am almost afraid to sit on this stone Last Line: I am almost afraid to think to myself, %why, %he is there Subject(s): Bible PRISONERS Poem Text First Line: It is strange that I should want Last Line: As the horsemen passed. Subject(s): Bible PURSUIT Poem Text First Line: What do I care Last Line: In the larch-cones and the underbrush. Subject(s): Bible PYGMALION First Line: Shall I let myself be caught Subject(s): Bible RED ROSE AND A BEGGAR First Line: Why did you come %to trouble my decline Last Line: Walk unfalteringly toward a lover, %the hachish superieur of dream Subject(s): Bible SAGESSE, SELS. First Line: You look at me, a hut or cage contains Last Line: Sparrows, I think it was Subject(s): Bible SEA GODS: 1 Poem Text First Line: They say there is no hope Last Line: Along your ragged beach. Subject(s): Bible; Sea; Ocean SEA GODS: 2 Poem Text First Line: But we bring violets Last Line: Of your own white surf. Subject(s): Bible; Poetry & Poets; Sea; Ocean SEA GODS: 3 Poem Text First Line: For you will come Last Line: And cherish and shelter us. Subject(s): Bible; Sea; Ocean SEA IRIS: 1 Poem Text First Line: Weed, moss-weed Last Line: In our nostrils. Subject(s): Bible; Iris (flower) SEA IRIS: 2 Poem Text First Line: Do the murex-fishers Last Line: Stained among the salt weeds. Subject(s): Bible; Iris (flower) SEA LILY Poem Text First Line: Reed / slashed and torn Last Line: To cover you with froth. Subject(s): Bible; Flowers; Lilies SEA POPPIES Poem Text First Line: Amber husk Last Line: As your bright leaf? Subject(s): Bible; Poppies SEA ROSE Poem Text First Line: Rose, harsh rose Last Line: Hardened in a leaf? Subject(s): Bible; Flowers; Roses SEA VIOLET Poem Text First Line: The white violet Last Line: Frost, a star edges with its fire. Subject(s): Bible; Flowers; Violets SHELTERED GARDEN Poem Text First Line: I have had enough Last Line: Wind-tortured place. Subject(s): Bible; Gardens & Gardening; Nature SIGIL: 11 Poem Text First Line: If you take the moon in your hands Variant Title(s): The Moon In Your Hands Subject(s): Bible; Moon SIGIL: 11 First Line: If you take the moon in your hands Last Line: Mullein-leaf, dog-wood leaf, moth-wing %and dandelion-seed under the ground Variant Title(s): The Moon In Your Hand Subject(s): Bible; Moon SIGIL: 12 First Line: Are these ashes in my hand Last Line: A moon-flower %from a flower-husk, %or fire-flies %from a thicket? Subject(s): Bible SIGIL: 14 First Line: Now let the cycle sweep us here and there Last Line: Will lift up wild, wild throat, %and that song heard, %will stifle out this note %and this song note Subject(s): Bible SIGIL: 15 First Line: So if you love me Last Line: Or shall we rise, %wing-tip to purple wing, %create new earth, %new skies? Subject(s): Bible SIGIL: 16 First Line: But it won't be that way Last Line: How the walls stretched out %to desert and sand, %the symplegedes %and the sea Subject(s): Bible SIGIL: 17 First Line: Time breaks the barrier Last Line: O ultimate breath, %o master-lyrist, %beat my wild heart to death Subject(s): Bible SIGIL: 18 First Line: Are we unfathomable night Last Line: How do you know %who is my lord %and lover? Subject(s): Bible SIGIL: 19 First Line: I love you,' Last Line: Endure the other, %after the first fine flavour %of irony %had worn off Subject(s): Bible SIMAETHA Poem Text First Line: Drenched with purple Last Line: Rending the sleet?) Subject(s): Bible SITALKAS First Line: Thou art come at length Last Line: Scattering the broken leaves SOCRATIC First Line: They cut it in squares Subject(s): Bible SONG Poem Text First Line: You are as gold Last Line: Casts light for a shadow. Subject(s): Bible SONGS FROM CYPRUS, SELS. Subject(s): Bible SONGS FROM CYPRUS: 1 First Line: Gather for festival Subject(s): Bible SONGS FROM CYPRUS: 4 First Line: Where is the nightingale Last Line: Only night heals again Subject(s): Bible SONGS FROM CYPRUS: 5 First Line: Bring myrrh and myrtle bud Subject(s): Bible STORM Poem Text First Line: You crash over the trees Last Line: A green stone. Subject(s): Bible; Storms STROPHE First Line: ...I love you would have no application for the moment. I love Last Line: Scented baskets of spice-pink and little roses THE CITY IS PEOPLED THE CLIFF-TEMPLE: 1 Poem Text First Line: Great, bright portal Last Line: Beneath its great feet. Subject(s): Bible THE CLIFF-TEMPLE: 2 Poem Text First Line: I said: / for ever and ever, must I follow you Last Line: Taunt him with his evil and his vice. Subject(s): Bible THE CLIFF-TEMPLE: 3 Poem Text First Line: Shall I hurl myself from here Last Line: How far I had to walk? Subject(s): Bible THE CLIFF-TEMPLE: 4 Poem Text First Line: Over me the wind swirls Last Line: Still further on another cliff. Subject(s): Bible THE CONTEST Poem Text First Line: Your stature is modelled Last Line: For their breadth. Subject(s): Bible THE GIFT Poem Text First Line: Instead of pearls - a wrought clasp Last Line: No bracelet -- accept this. Subject(s): Bible; Gifts & Giving THE HELMSMAN Poem Text First Line: O be swift Last Line: We have always known you wanted us. Subject(s): Bible THE ISLANDS: 1 Poem Text First Line: What are the islands to me Last Line: What is greece? Subject(s): Bible; Greece; Islands; Greeks THE ISLANDS: 2 Poem Text First Line: What can love of land give to me Last Line: And delos, the clasp of the white necklace? Subject(s): Bible; Greece; Islands; Property; Greeks; Possessions THE ISLANDS: 3 Poem Text First Line: What can love of land give to me Last Line: And fall back. Subject(s): Bible; Greece; Islands; Property; Greeks; Possessions THE ISLANDS: 4 Poem Text First Line: What has love of land given to you' Last Line: "and they answered -- ""peace." Subject(s): Bible; Greece; Islands; Property; Greeks; Possessions THE ISLANDS: 5 Poem Text First Line: But beauty is set apart Last Line: And from greece. Subject(s): Beauty; Bible; Greece; Islands; Property; Greeks; Possessions THE ISLANDS: 6 Poem Text First Line: In my garden Last Line: Broken by the wind at last. Subject(s): Bible; Gardens & Gardening THE ISLANDS: 7 Poem Text First Line: What are the islands to me Last Line: And its bleak sacrifice? Subject(s): Bible; Greece; Islands; Greeks THE POOL Poem Text First Line: Are you alive? Last Line: What are you -- banded one? Subject(s): Bible THE SHRINE Poem Text First Line: Are your rocks shelter for ships? Last Line: From the splendour of your ragged coast. Subject(s): Bible; Shrines THE TRIBUTE: 1 Poem Text First Line: Squalor spreads its hideous length Last Line: Offer refuse for meat. Subject(s): Bible; Poverty; Social Protest THE TRIBUTE: 2 Poem Text First Line: While we shouted our wares Last Line: The songs withered black on their lips. Subject(s): Bible; Poverty; Social Protest THE TRIBUTE: 3 Poem Text First Line: And we turn from the market Last Line: One bright god with a lance. Subject(s): Bible; Poverty; Social Protest THE TRIBUTE: 4 Poem Text First Line: They have sent the old gods from the city Last Line: Beside one young life that is lost. Subject(s): Bible; Poverty; Social Protest THE TRIBUTE: 5 Poem Text First Line: Though not one of the city turned Last Line: As light circles an olive-branch. Subject(s): Bible; Poverty; Social Protest THE TRIBUTE: 6 Poem Text First Line: With these we will cry to another Last Line: For our city's sake. Subject(s): Bible; Poverty; Social Protest THE WALLS DO NOT FALL: 1 Poem Text First Line: An incident here and there Subject(s): Bible; War THE WALLS DO NOT FALL: 4 Poem Text First Line: There is a spell, for instance Last Line: That pearl-of-great-price. Subject(s): Bible; Self THE WALLS DO NOT FALL: 6 Poem Text First Line: In me (the worm) clearly Subject(s): Bible THE WIND SLEEPERS Poem Text First Line: Whiter / than the crust Last Line: Discords. Subject(s): Bible THETIS Poem Text First Line: He had asked for immortal life Last Line: A river's blue. Subject(s): Bible; Mythology; Sea; Ocean TOWARD THE PIRAEUS: 1 Poem Text First Line: You would have broken my wings Last Line: If I escape your evil heart. Subject(s): Bible; Hearts; Man-woman Relationships; Men; Pain; Male-female Relations; Suffering; Misery TOWARD THE PIRAEUS: 2 Poem Text First Line: I loved you Last Line: So simple a word as love. Subject(s): Bible; Love TOWARD THE PIRAEUS: 3 Poem Text First Line: What had you done Last Line: That I am wise. Subject(s): Bible; Lies; Man-woman Relationships; Men; Male-female Relations TOWARD THE PIRAEUS: 4 Poem Text First Line: If I had been a boy Last Line: Intolerably cold and sweet. Subject(s): Admiration; Bible; Man-woman Relationships; Men; Male-female Relations TOWARD THE PIRAEUS: 5 Poem Text First Line: It was not chastity that made me cold nor fear Last Line: Fiery-tempered, delicate, over-passionate steel. Subject(s): Arms & Armor; Bible; Chastity; Despair; Weapons; Ammunition TOWARD THE PIRAEUS: INTRODUCTION Poem Text First Line: Slay with your eyes, greek Last Line: One blow for you, passionate greek. Subject(s): Bible TRANCE First Line: The floor %of the temple Last Line: Then lets fall a fold %on my knee Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS, SELS First Line: We see her hand in her lap Last Line: There are white flowers on the water Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 1 First Line: Hermes trismegistus Last Line: Opal, onyx, obsidian, %now scattered in the shards %men tread upon Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 10 First Line: In the field-furrow Last Line: Phosphorus at sun-rise, %hesperus at sun-set Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 11 First Line: O swiftly, re-light the flame Last Line: Is full, they say, of poison, %food for the witches' den Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 12 First Line: Swiftly re-light the flame Last Line: To venerate, %venerator Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 13 First Line: What is the jewel color?' Last Line: He said, %'invent it' Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 14 First Line: I can not invent it Last Line: Concentrate on it %till I shrink, %dematerialize %and am drawn into it Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 15 First Line: Annael-this was another voice Last Line: With the weight of massive bees Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 16 First Line: Annael-and I remembered the sea-shell Last Line: Was another of seven, %named among the seven angels, %annael, %peace of god Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 17 First Line: So we hail them together Last Line: So delicate, green-white, opalescent %like our jewel in the crucible? Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 18 First Line: For uriel, no temple Last Line: But love's sacred groves, %withered in thebes and tyre, %flower elsewhere Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 19 First Line: We see her visible and actual Last Line: Then she set a charred tree before us, %burnt and stricken to the heart; %was it may-tree or apple? Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 2 First Line: Your walls do not fall, he said Last Line: I saw the shape %which might have been of jasper, %but it was not four-square Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 20 First Line: Invisible, indivisible spirit Last Line: It was an ordinary tree %in an old garden-square Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 21 First Line: This is no rune nor riddle Last Line: You have seen for yourself Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 22 First Line: A new sensation Last Line: That pierces the heart Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 23 First Line: We are part of it Last Line: This is the flowering of the wood, %where annael, we pause to give %thanks that we rise again from d Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 24 First Line: Every hour, every moment Last Line: Should not separate but relate rather, %our life, this temporary eclipse %to that other Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 25 First Line: Of the no need Last Line: And she was standing there, %actually, at the turn of the stair Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 26 First Line: One of us said, how odd Last Line: And the faint knocking %was the clock ticking Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 27 First Line: And yet in some very subtle way Last Line: Of whom we must be not forgetful %for some have entertained angels unawares Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 28 First Line: I had been thinking of gabriel Last Line: How could I imagine %the lady herself would come instead? Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 29 Poem Text First Line: We have seen her Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 29 First Line: We have seen her Last Line: Her everywhere (or did find), %in cathedral, museum, cloister, %at the turn of the palace stair Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 3 First Line: I john saw. I testify Last Line: He of the seventy-times-seven %bitter, unending wars Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 30 First Line: We see her hand in her lap Last Line: Where boat follows slow boat on the lagoon; %there are white flowers on the water Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 31 First Line: But none of these, none of these Last Line: Maria von dem schnee, %our lady of the snow Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 32 First Line: For I can say truthfully Last Line: As if fell to the floor; she bore %none of her usual attributes; %the child was not with her Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 33 First Line: Hermes took his attribute Last Line: Into the abyss Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 34 First Line: So saint michael Last Line: Who weighed the souls of the dead Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 35 First Line: So she must have been pleased with us Last Line: For she looked so kindly at us %under her drift of veils, %and she carried a book Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 36 Poem Text First Line: Ah (you say), this is holy wisdom Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 36 First Line: Ah (you say), this is holy wisdom Last Line: What she lost the race, %given over to sin, to death; %she brings the book of life, obviously Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 37 Poem Text First Line: This is a symbol of beauty (you continue Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 37 First Line: This is a symbol of beauty (you continue Last Line: A hieratic figure, the veiled goddess, %whether of the sevendelights, %whether of the seven spear-po Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 38 Poem Text First Line: O yes - you understand, I say Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 38 First Line: O yes - you understand, I say Last Line: Imprisoned in leaden bars %in a coloured window; %she is psyche, the butterfly, %out of the cocoon Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 39 First Line: But nearer than guardian angel %or good daemon Last Line: Different yet the same as before Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 4 First Line: Not in our time, o lord Last Line: Not in our time, o king, %the voice to quell the re-gathering, %thundering storm Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 40 First Line: This is no rune nor symbol Last Line: She was not even over-whelming %like an angel Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 41 First Line: She carried a book, either to imply Last Line: No need of the moon to shine... %I saw no temple Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 42 First Line: Some call that deep-deep bell Last Line: Whose candle burns deep-violet %with the others Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 43 First Line: And the point in the spectrum Last Line: Thanks that we rise again from death and live Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 5 First Line: Nay - peace be still Last Line: God's very breath-uriel Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 6 First Line: Never in rome Last Line: That in a candle on a candle-stick %or in a star, %is known as on of seven %is named among the seven Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 7 First Line: To uriel, no shrine, no temple Last Line: Where, uriel, we pause to give %thanks that we rise again from death and live Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 8 First Line: Now polish the crucible Last Line: Mer, mere, mere, mater, maia, mary, %star of the sea, %mother Subject(s): Bible TRIBUTE TO THE ANGELS: 9 First Line: Bitter, bitter jewel Last Line: What is this unsatisfied duality %which you cannot satisfy? Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL, SELS First Line: There is a spell, for instance Last Line: Possibly we will reach haven, heaven Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL, SELS. Subject(s): Bible; Love WALLS DO NOT FALL: 1 First Line: An incident here and there Last Line: We passed the flame: we wonder %what saved us? What for? Subject(s): Bible; War WALLS DO NOT FALL: 10 First Line: But we fight for life Last Line: Your triumph, however exultant, %must one day be over, %in the beginning %was the word Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 11 First Line: Without thought, invention Last Line: Dream, %vision Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 12 First Line: So, in our secretive, sly way Last Line: Than a whisper Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 13 First Line: The presence was spectrum-blue Last Line: Companions %of the flame Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 14 First Line: Yet we, the latter-day, twice-born Last Line: Toward our individual star Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 15 First Line: Too old to be useful Last Line: Since nineveh and babel Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 16 First Line: Ra, osiris, amen appeared Last Line: Were all one texture, %as if without pupil %or all pupil, dark %yet very clear with amber %shining Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 17 First Line: ...Coals for the world's burning Last Line: Forever and ever, amen Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 18 First Line: The christos-image Last Line: That amen is our christos Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 19 First Line: He might even be the authentic jew Last Line: And they are amber and they are fire Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 2 First Line: Evil was active in the land Last Line: How can you scratch out %indelible ink of the palimpsest %ofpast misadventure? Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 20 First Line: Now it appears very clear Last Line: And follows the mage %in the desert Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 21 First Line: Splintered the crystal of identity Last Line: Here am I, amen-ra whispers, %amen, aries, the ram, %be cocoon, smothered in wool, %be lamb, mothere Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 22 First Line: Now my right hand Last Line: Let your teeth devour me, %let me be warm in your belly,. %the sun-disk, %the re-born sun Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 23 First Line: Take me home Last Line: Where the mantis %prays on the river-reed: %where the grasshopper says %amen, amen, amen Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 24 First Line: Or anywhere %where stars blaze through clear air Last Line: Healers, helpers %of the one, amen, all-father Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 25 First Line: Amen, %only just now Last Line: Has taken its nourishment Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 26 First Line: What fruit is our store Last Line: In the noon-heat? Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 27 First Line: Is ours lotus - tree Last Line: Arbutus-fragrant? Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 28 First Line: O heart, small urn Last Line: Of bitter thought Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 29 First Line: Grant us strength to endure Last Line: Here is the bread? Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 3 First Line: Let us, however, recover the sceptre Last Line: It bears healing: %or evoking the dead, %it brings life to the living Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 30 First Line: I heard scorpion whet his knife Last Line: Illusion, reversion of old values, %oneness lost, madness Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 31 First Line: Wistfulness, exaltation Last Line: Reversion of old values, %oneness lost, madness Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 32 First Line: Depth of the sub-conscious spews forth Last Line: Has its peculiar orbit Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 33 First Line: Let us measure defeat Last Line: For blind eyes Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 34 First Line: We have seen how the most amiable Last Line: Before her Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 35 First Line: Let us substitute Last Line: As asps, scorpions, as serpents Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 36 First Line: In no wise is the pillar-of-fire Last Line: Things new %and old Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 37 First Line: Thou shalt have none other gods but me Last Line: For help - or shall we? Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 38 First Line: This search for historical parallels Last Line: Has its particular star, coral or prism shape Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 39 First Line: We have had too much consecration Last Line: They are anagrams, cryptograms, %little boxes, conditioned %to hatch butterflies Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 40 First Line: For example Last Line: Fosterer, begetter, the same-forever %in the papyrus-swamp %in the judean meadow Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 41 First Line: Sirius: %what mystery is this? Last Line: You are a mist %of snow: white, little flowers Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 42 First Line: O, sire, is this the path Last Line: Is this union at last Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 43 First Line: Still the walls do not fall Last Line: We have no map; %possibly we will reach haven, %heaven Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 5 First Line: When in the company of the gods Last Line: He is mage, %bringing myrrh Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 6 First Line: In me (the worm) clearly Last Line: Spin my own shroud Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 7 First Line: Gods, goddesses Last Line: Or the erect king-cobra crest %to show how the worm turns Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 8 First Line: So we reveal our status Last Line: He takes precedence of the priest, %stands second only to the pharaoh Subject(s): Bible WALLS DO NOT FALL: 9 First Line: Thoth, hermes, the stylus Last Line: And hatshepsut's name is still circled %with what they call the cartouche Subject(s): Bible WHEN BLIGHT LAY, FR. LET ZEUS RECORD Subject(s): Bible WHERE LOVE IS KING Subject(s): Bible WHILE WE SHOUTED, FR. TRIBUTE Subject(s): Bible WHITE ROSE, O WHITE, FR. SONGS FROM CYPRUS Subject(s): Bible WHITE WORLD Poem Text First Line: The whole white world is ours Last Line: Lifted, of the flower. Subject(s): Bible; Love WINE BOWL First Line: I will rise Last Line: For the white wine %and the red Subject(s): Bible; Mythology - Classical WINTER LOVE: 16 First Line: O, do not bring snow-water Last Line: Love built on dreams %of the forgotten first unsatisfied embrace, %is satisfied Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 19: STROPHE First Line: Odysseus; fretful brow Last Line: Helen, commend their happiness %and so invoke the greater bliss %of helios-helen-eros Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 2 First Line: If I thought of you, I only thought Last Line: Then, you were in and out as they all were at the palace, %it is more, more than ten years Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 20: ANTISTROPHE First Line: Rise from your apathy, your dream Last Line: The sun goes into the dark, %the gods decree %that helen is deserted utterly Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 21 First Line: O ebony island, o tall cypress-trees Last Line: The heart and entrails were drawn out; %a shell? A shatteredheart? %no heart is left to heal Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 24 First Line: Helios-helen-eros? Is that menelaus? Last Line: Lives in the hope of something that will be, %the past made perfect; %this is the tangible %this is Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 25 First Line: The golden apples of the hesperides Last Line: Your child, my child and helios' child, no other, %to lure us on, on, on, euphorion, esperance Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 27 First Line: Grandam, midwife, sage-femme Last Line: You brought him forth in darkness, %while I slept Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 28 First Line: I am delirious now and mean to be Last Line: Esperance, o golden bee, %take life afresh and if you must, %so slay me Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 5 First Line: So we were together Last Line: Helen, helen, come home; %there was a helen before there was a war, %but who remembers her? Subject(s): Bible WINTER LOVE: 6 First Line: The-tis-sea-'tis, I played games like this Last Line: Helen was conceived under the oleanders, %that is, helen, the future helen %that wrecked citadels, w Subject(s): Bible WOULD YOU PREFER MYRRH-FLOWER, FR. LET ZEUS RECORD Subject(s): Bible YOURSELF IN MYSELF, FR MYRTLE BOUGH Subject(s): Bible |