Poetry Explorer- Classic Contemporary Poetry: Explained, THE ASSASSINATION, by DONALD JUSTICE

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Classic and Contemporary Poetry: Explained

THE ASSASSINATION, by         Recitation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

"The Assassination" is a poem by Donald Justice, first published in 1975. The poem is a reflection on the human experience of violence and loss.


The poem is written from the perspective of a speaker who is reflecting on the assassination of a political figure. The speaker reflects on the sense of shock and disbelief that comes with sudden violence, and on the way that violence can disrupt and overturn the order of things. The poem explores the tension between order and chaos, and between the desire for justice and the reality of human fallibility.

Poetic Elements:

  1. Form: The poem consists of three stanzas, each with six lines. It has no consistent rhyme scheme, but uses repetition and enjambment to create a sense of urgency and immediacy that mirrors the urgency of the poem's message.
  2. Theme: The poem explores the human experience of violence and loss, and the tension between order and chaos. It reflects on the sense of shock and disbelief that comes with sudden violence, and on the fragility of order and stability.
  3. Imagery: The poem uses vivid and often metaphorical imagery to explore the theme of violence and loss. For example, "the broken monuments" represents the fragility of order and stability.
  4. Tone: The tone of the poem is reflective and mournful, with a sense of anger and frustration. The speaker is trying to make sense of the violence and loss, while also grappling with the limitations of justice and human fallibility.
  5. Sound: The poem uses repetition and enjambment to create a sense of musicality and flow, and to emphasize the emotional weight of the subject matter.
  6. Language: The language is poetic and elevated, with occasional use of archaic language and political terminology. The speaker uses this language to convey the weight of the subject matter, and to reflect on the larger implications of violence and loss.
  7. Figurative language: The poem uses metaphor and symbolism to explore the theme of violence and loss. For example, "the little dogs of need" barking represents the persistence of pain and injustice.
  8. Structure: The lack of a consistent rhyme scheme and the use of enjambment create a sense of urgency and immediacy that mirrors the urgency of the poem's message.
  9. Symbolism: The assassination represents the human experience of violence and loss, while the broken monuments represent the fragility of order and stability.
  10. Emotion: The poem conveys a sense of shock and disbelief, as well as a sense of anger and frustration at the human capacity for violence.

In summary, "The Assassination" is a powerful and thought-provoking poem that explores the complex and often difficult experience of violence and loss. The poem's use of vivid and often metaphorical imagery, poetic language, and symbolism create a sense of depth and meaning that goes beyond the literal subject matter. The poem invites readers to reflect on the ways in which violence disrupts and overturns the order of things, and the ways in which human fallibility can lead to tragedy.


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