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Classic and Contemporary Poetry: Explained

THEIR LONELY BETTERS, by             Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography

"Their Lonely Betters" by Wystan Hugh Auden is a satirical poem that critiques the idea of human superiority over animals. The poem takes a critical look at the way humans treat animals and suggests that we can learn valuable lessons from their behavior.

The poem is written in free verse and has a conversational tone that makes it feel accessible and relatable. Auden uses a range of poetic techniques such as repetition, alliteration, and enjambment to create a sense of rhythm and musicality that draws the reader in.

The central theme of the poem is the idea that humans are not as superior as we think we are. Auden uses a variety of examples from the animal kingdom to illustrate this point, showing how animals often exhibit more admirable qualities than humans do.

For example, the poem notes that "Their selfless zeal/Is such as humans/Find it hard to conceive." This line suggests that animals are capable of acting with a degree of selflessness and dedication that humans often struggle to match. The poem goes on to suggest that animals are also capable of experiencing a deep sense of joy and contentment in their lives, despite not having the same level of material wealth or status that humans do.

Throughout the poem, Auden also employs a sense of irony and humor to drive his point home. For example, he notes that "Their 'Native wit' and 'savage intelligence'" are often cited by humans as reasons for why they are superior to animals. However, the poem suggests that these supposed advantages are not actually that impressive, and that animals are often more intelligent and resourceful than we give them credit for.

Overall, "Their Lonely Betters" is a powerful critique of human arrogance and a call for us to reevaluate our relationship with the natural world. Through its use of vivid imagery, poetic language, and a strong sense of irony, the poem encourages us to look to animals as examples of how to live with more humility, selflessness, and joy. It is a powerful reminder that despite our many achievements and advancements, humans are not as superior as we often think we are.

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