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IN ENGLAND, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Alone in rain I sat today
Last Line: Is never far from sailing.
Subject(s): Country Life; England; English

Alone in rain I sat today
On top of a gate beside the way,
And a bird came near with muted bill,
And a watery breeze kept blowing chill
From over the hill behind me.

I could not tell what in me stirred
To hill and gate and rain and bird,
Till lifting hair and bathing brow
The watery breeze came fresher now
From over the hill to remind me.

The bird was the kind that follows a ship,
The rain was salt upon my lip,
The hill was an undergoing wave,
And the gate on which I balanced brave
Was a great ship's iron railing.

For the breeze was a watery English breeze
Always fresh from one of the seas,
And the country life the English lead
In beachen wood and clover mead
Is never far from sailing.

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