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WHAT THING A BIRD WOULD LOVE, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: As I was faring home
Last Line: What thing a bird would love.
Subject(s): Birds

As I was faring home
The slow hill-climbing way
A lonely bird sang once
And seemed to bid me stay.

I paused to rest and turned,
And if I had not turned,
I had not seen the west
Behind me, how it burned.

So when he sang again
As I resumed the slope,
My heart regarded him --
I turned again with hope.

The sunset! -- and beneath
The valley ebon dark
And featureless, wherein
A lamp was but a spark.

But that he would not cease,
But still would call and call
When I must go was proof
The sunset was not all.

I left him to the waste
And gathering stars above,
In doubt if I could know
What thing a bird would love.

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