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GURU OM, by         Recitation by Author         Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: October 4, 1970 / car wheels roar over freeway concrete
Last Line: I am leaving the world, I will close my eyes and rest my tongue & hand
Subject(s): United States; America

Car wheels roar over freeway concrete
Night falls on Dallas, two buildings shine under sickle moon
Many boys and girls in jail for their bodies poems and bitter thoughts
My belly's hollow breath sighs up thru my heart
Guru Om Guru Om enlarges in the vast space of the breast
The Guru has a man's brown belly and cock long hair white beard short hair orange hat no person
The bliss alone no business for my body but to make Guru Om dwell near my heart
shall I telephone New York and tell my fellows where I am silent
shall I ring my own head & order my own voice to be silent but
How giant, silent and feather-soft is the cave of my body eyes closed
To enter the body is difficult, the belly's full of bad smelling wind
the body's digesting last weekend's meat thinking of Cigarettes, bright eyes of boys
What Acid eight hours equals eight hours' Om continuous attention-
the Guru is equal to the Om of the Seeker
Guru Guru Guru Guru Guru Guru Guru Sitaram Omkar Das Thakur thin voic'd recommended "Give up
desire for children"
Dehorahava Baba sat on the Ganges and described eat & drinking pranayam
Nityananda floated thru his giant photo body
Babaji's hand the hand of a dead man in my dead man's fingers
Out the plane window brown gas rises to heaven's blue sea
how tell Kabir Blake & Ginsberg shut their ears?
Folded in silence invisible Guru waits to fill his body with Emptiness
I am leaving the world, I will close my eyes & rest my tongue and hand.

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