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WAR SONG, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Well pleaseth me the sweet time of easter
Subject(s): War

Betrand de Born

Well pleaseth me the sweet time of Easter
That maketh the leaf and the flower come out.
And it pleaseth me when I hear the clamor
Of the birds, their song through the wood;
And it pleaseth me when I see through the meadows
The tents and pavilions set up, and great joy have I
When I see o'er the campagna knights armed and horses arrayed.

And it pleaseth me when the scouts set in flight the folk with their
And it pleaseth me when I see coming together after them an host of armed men.
And it pleaseth me to the heart when I see strong castles besieged,
And barriers broken and riven, and I see the host on the shore all about shut in with ditches,
And closed in with lisses of strong piles.

Thus that lord pleaseth me when he is first to attack, fearless, on his armed charger; and thus he
emboldens his folk with valiant vassalage, and then when stour is mingled, each wight should be
yare, and follow him exulting; for no man is worth a damn till he has taken and given many a blow.

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