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First Line: If jealousy be proof of love indeed
Last Line: That made me love ere I was cast away.
Subject(s): Jealousy

If jealousy be proof of love indeed
I have one comfort in my bitter pang:
At least my love is true love, if I hang
Wide-eyed upon thy beauty, fain to feed.
Let not thy soft soul other voices heed
Since it was all thy music that I sang
Let thy speech flow to me, since no heart rang
Thus at the rumour of thine every deed.
And yet I am not jealous; for they say
That jealousy is mad and full of hate,
Suspicious, wilful, tortured, quick to slay.
But I in utter adoration lay
All in thy sacred hands, and bless the fate
That made me love ere I was cast away.

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