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SILENCE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: We are anhungered after solitude
Last Line: The silent music of infinity?
Alternate Author Name(s): Filsinger, Ernest B., Mrs.
Subject(s): Duse, Eleonora (1858-1924)

(To Eleonora Duse)

We are anhungered after solitude,
Deep stillness pure of any speech or sound,
Soft quiet hovering over pools profound,
The silences that on the desert brood,
Above a windless hush of empty seas,
The broad unfurling banners of the dawn,
A faery forest where there sleeps a Faun;
Our souls are fain of solitudes like these.
O woman who divined our weariness,
And set the crown of silence on your art,
From what undreamed-of depth within your heart
Have you sent forth the hush that makes us free
To hear an instant, high above earth's stress,
The silent music of infinity?

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