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VENICE, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Venice, thou siren of sea cities, wrought
Last Line: Man's soul, and waft her on storm melodies!
Subject(s): Venice, Italy

VENICE, thou Siren of sea cities, wrought
By mirage, built on water, stair o'er stair,
Of sunbeams and cloud shadows, phantom-fair,
With naught of earth to mar thy sea-born thought!
Thou floating film upon the wonder-fraught
Ocean of dreams! Thou hast no dream so rare
As are thy sons and daughters, -- they who wear
Foam flakes of charm from thine enchantment
O dark brown eyes! O tangles of dark hair!
O heaven-blue eyes, blonde tresses where the breeze
Plays over sunburned cheeks in sea-blown air!
Firm limbs of moulded bronze! frank debonair
Smiles of deep-bosomed women! Loves that seize
Man's soul, and waft her on storm melodies!

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