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THE MISTAKE, by                    
First Line: Twas wrong-but can you blame me?
Last Line: "I thought your cheeks were roses!"
Subject(s): Emotions; Errors; Love - Complaints; Mistakes; Fallacies

'T WAS wrong — but can you blame me?
I never craved her pardon!
She stooped to smell the roses,
Red growing in her garden.

Impulsive! That's my nature.
And daring! please don't mention!
When aught I see worth having,
I overstep convention.

Don't you? Now think a minute,
How youth's warm blood so rushes!
You know the great temptation
In watching crimson blushes.

I stole upon her softly,
I caught her — kissed her madly!
'T was all so satisfying,
Excuse I gave her gladly.

"For don't you see, my darling,
Of wrong this all disposes —
(With guilty heart I said it)
I thought your cheeks were roses!"

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