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First Line: There was once a tiny electron
Last Line: Though just what it is I don't know.
Subject(s): Science; Scientists

There was once a tiny electron
Who gazed all about him and cried,
"What an infinite thing is an atom!
How deep and how long and how wide!
Can the mind conceive anything huger?
Well, I can't, for one, and I've tried!"

An atom peered vaguely around him,
And with every glance that he cast
He thought, "Oh, a molecule's limits
Are most unbelievably vast;
For cosmic bewildering greatness
A molecule can't be surpassed!"

Yet the scientist's lens microscopic,
For all of its strength, failed to show
A glimpse of electron or atom
Or molecule, either! And so
We learn a most excellent moral,
Though just what it is I don't know.

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