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THE VOICE OF THE UNBORN, by                    
First Line: From the unseen I come to you tonight
Last Line: From the unseen I come to you to-night. . . .
Subject(s): Future

FROM the Unseen I come to you to-night,
The Hope and Expectation of your world.
I am Omniscience that seeks of you
A tongue to utter the eternal thought.
I am Omnipotence that claims of you
The tools whereby my power may profit earth.
All Love am I, that seeks to spend itself
Embodied in a human sacrament,
For I have heard the wailing of the world,
Not faint and far away as in a dream,
But very near -- and lo, I understood
It need not be. Wherefore I come to you.

O YOU to whom my tenderness goes out,
To whom I fain would bring an end of groans
And blind, bewildered tears, a cloudless dawn
Of unimagined joy and strength unguessed,
What welcome will you give to me, O World?
Since I whose dwelling is the universe
Will stoop to walls and rafters for your sake,
What is the home you have prepared for me?
O Men and Women, is it beautiful,
A place of peace, a house of harmony?
Will you be glad, who know me as I am,
To see me make my habitation there?
Since I will hamper my divinity
With weight of mortal raiment for your sake,
What vesture have you woven for my wear?
O Man and Woman who have fashioned it
Together, is it fine and clean and strong,
Made in such reverence of holy joy,
Of such unsullied substance, that your hearts
Leap with glad awe to see it clothing me,
The glory of whose nakedness you know?

OH long long silence of the wakening years!
Thus have I called since man took shape as man;
Thus will I call till all mankind shall heed
And know me, who to-day am one with God,
And whom to-morrow shall behold, your child.

From the Unseen I come to you to-night. . . .

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