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First Line: Dim grows the wood; the amber evening tints
Last Line: Now tell me, is this heaven, or is it dawn?
Subject(s): Bells; Day; Evening; Forests; Stars; Wind; Sunset; Twilight; Woods


DIM grows the wood; the amber evening tints
Merge into opal skies and stars just seen;
Down vistas gloomed and winding there are hints
Of elves and gnomes along the mosses green.


A holy song the thrush has distant-sung;
The treetops murmur like some dreaming sea;
Hark! far away a silvern bell has rung
Twelve strokes, slow tolled, that faint and fade from me.


A shaft of gold upon my upturned face
As fleeting and as shy as any fawn;
Sweet odors, stirring winds and forms of grace;
Now tell me, is this heaven, or is it dawn?

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